1 January 2016 – A new year, a new management. As we usher in the New Year, it also marks an exciting new phase for the International Medical University (IMU). Officially taking office as Vice-Chancellor (CEO) of IMU Education is Prof Abdul Aziz Baba who was previously the Vice-President responsible for the Medical and Dental programmes. Prof Aziz joined IMU Education in July 2013. Prof Aziz takes over the roles and responsibilities of Vice-Chancellor from Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Abu Bakar Suleiman who stepped down from this position on 31 December 2015. Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Abu Bakar remains as President of IMU Group in which he had held both the position of President and Vice-Chancellor from 2011 – 2015. During the handover ceremony on 16 December 2015, a simple but very meaningful event, Tan Sri was seen officially handing over the “baton” to Prof Aziz. In his speech, Tan Sri impressed upon the need to look forward to the future and to continue providing excellence in service. He also reinforced, that as a niche medical and healthcare university, both staff and students must value health and benefit the community by providing continuous health promotion and disease prevention. And as an educational institution, to strive for scholarship – the creation of knowledge and leaders. Reflecting over the last 15 years under the leadership of Tan Sri as CEO of IMU Education, IMU saw exponential growth and development. This covers not only the expansion of the medical and dentistry programmes but looking at health in an integrated and holistic manner by establishing the Chiropractic (only one in Southeast Asia) and Chinese Medicine programmes as well as the Oral Health Centre and other clinics under IMU Healthcare. The IMU also used its physical space creatively with vibrant colours to reflect the teaching and learning activities that are carried out in an open concept, encouraging teamwork. In Prof Aziz’s acceptance speech, he thanked the management and team for the honour given to him and he will strive to continue the leadership that Tan Sri had developed. He shared the vision on the various challenges and strategies to take IMU Education to the next level and the need to prepare our students to meet the changing landscape and needs of the medical and healthcare industry while nurturing ethical and caring professionals to deliver safe and effective healthcare in the communities we live in. We congratulate Prof Aziz and all the other appointees taking up their new positions from 1 January 2016: • Dr Mei Ling Young – Deputy Vice- Chancellor, International & Engagement • Prof Peter Pook – Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic • Prof Victor Lim – Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education • Prof Mak Joon Wah – Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research • Prof Toh Chooi Gait – Pro Vice-Chancellor, Development • Prof Winnie Chee – Dean, School of Health Sciences • Prof Chin Beek Yoke – Associate Dean, School of Health Sciences • A/Prof Tan Eng Lai – Acting Associate Dean (Admissions) • A/Prof Stefan Kutzsche – Acting Director, IMU Centre for Education (ICE) • Dr Wong Pei Se – Acting Dean, School of Pharmacy Click here to read the profiles of Prof Aziz and the other appointees.
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