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Qualitative Data Collection Methods

Date: 08 May 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 09:00 am to 04:30 pm
Training Mode: Face-to-Face
Training Venue: TBA



  1. Dr Bhavani Veasuvalingam
  2. Dr Norul Hidayah Binti Mamat @ Muhammad
  3. Ms Siti Suriani Abdul Razak



  • Research



  • TBA


Workshop Synopsis:-

This workshop provides theoretical and application aspects of qualitative data collection methods. It will dwell on various techniques/methods of collecting qualitative data and the rigor of conducting qualitative research. The workshop will be a combination of mini lectures with small group sessions to discuss in depth this topic to the extent of the application.


Workshop Objective:-

To acquire qualitative methodological knowledge and skills in collecting qualitative data in health professions education research.


Workshop Learning Outcomes:-

After this workshop, the participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the methods of collecting qualitative data.
  2. Explain the process to achieve rigour through data collection methods in qualitative research.


REGISTRATION LINK: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QDTM24-1