Postgraduate in Health Professions Education (PGHPE)

Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma, & Master – March 2025 Intake-Apply Now

Postgraduate Certificate & Master – March, May, July, September, November 2025 Intake (ODL)- Apply Now

Doctor Philosophy (By Research)- Apply Now

The healthcare industry is an essential cog in the wheels of the nation, fostering the general health of the population, and in the prevention and treatment of disease. Hence, it is important to employ the best teaching methodologies and educational strategies to train the trainers, who in turn, shape and mould competent healthcare professionals of the highest standards.

The IMU Postgraduate Programmes in Health Professions Education is a multi-exit programme that comprises of three levels; Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and Master. These programmes are designed especially for health professionals who work or interested in education.

The programme is comprehensive. Students develop an in-depth understanding of educational principles related to curriculum, instruction, competency assessment, programme evaluation, quality assessment, primary care education, clinical decision making and health-related humanities, professionalism and ethics, as well as management and leadership skills in the field.At the Master level, the facilitator will guide the students as the students take the next step to become an educational researcher or innovator.

Recently, we also launch Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Health Professions Education (By Research). It is an exciting news to health professionals and health professions educators who would like to attain the highest degree in health professions education. The programme equally provides opportunities to health professionals and health professions educators who have completed master’s degree in health professions education/medical education and relevant fields to continue with doctoral degree.

The main programme key feature is the opportunity to engage in scholarship pursuit of health professions education research supervised by renowned local, regional and international supervisors!

For more enquiries regarding Postgraduate in Health Professions Education, kindly email Associate Professor Dr Pathiyil Ravi Shankar,  Programme Director for Postgraduate Programmes in Health Professions Education (ODL) and Ms Siti Suriani binti Abd Razak, Programme Director for Postgraduate Programmes in Health Professions Education (Conventional). 

Kindly visit IMU PGHPE page for more information about the programme. 

IMU News- 

Training of Health Professions Educators in the 21st Century

Gaining Better Perspectives and Understanding of Educational Processes