service-water sample

Water Sample Testing

Water is the most vital element for life. Water resources are not only confined to drinking water but ultimately include other water sources such as mineral water, wastewater and groundwater. Water quality affect human health and well-being and it is a worldwide challenge to have clean and safe water.

It is vital to check water quality before its use. The photometric test is a standard analysis used in the laboratory for analysis of water and wastewater samples. Typical examples are chemical oxygen demand (COD) analysis of seawater and wastewater and nitrite analysis test of water samples to monitor the water quality.

Chemical Testing Services Offered

  • Heavy Metal Analysis in Water Samples by ICPMS
  • Photometric test – Analysis of COD In Wastewater
  • Photometric test – Analysis of Nitrite in Water

Microbiology Testing Services Offered

  • Enumeration of Total Plate Count in Drinking Water
  • Enumeration of Escherichia coli/Coliform in Drinking Water
  • Enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in Drinking Water
  • Detection of Salmonella species in Drinking Water
  • Enumeration of Yeast and Mould in Drinking Water