Focus Area
Diet-Disease Solution
- Clinical nutrition trial on dietary intervention for cardiometabolic diseases, maternal child health, bone health nutrition
- Structured lifestyle programme for workplace wellness
- Public nutrition education programmes & activities
- High impact dialogue & seminars with stakeholders on key diet and disease related issues
- Strategic partnerships with nutrition & health – related industry for consultancies in clinical nutrition matters
Food, Health and Safety
- Provide consultancy in food service, safety and quality.
- Certified to conduct the Food Handlers Training School (Sekolah Latihan Pengendali Makanan (SLPM)) by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia.
- Offer Online Training for Healthy School Canteen in Southeast Asia in collaboration with SEAMEO-RECFON.
Glycemic Index
- Centre for human glycaemic index (GI) analysis.
- Establish GI values for local foods
Public Outreach
- Conduct public talks, workshops and seminars on diet-disease related topics to relevant stakeholders including companies, NGOs and the general public.
- Community nutrition education programmes
Core Facilities
CTNH Laboratory
- Body composition analysis
- Glycemic Index Testing
- Nutrient calculations
- Clinical nutrition related measurements
Strategic Plan
CTNH will create new opportunities by interfacing with between nutrition & dietetics, food science and healthcare. New knowledge will be gained which will enable the design and development of innovative solutions to promote health.
Recognised as a leader in food and clinical nutrition in the ASEAN region
Strategic Plan
- Increase visibility and reputation in food & clinical nutrition research
- Gain reputation as experts in food and clinical nutrition areas
- Form strategic partnerships to create high impact in food & clinical nutrition areas
- Build talent, mentoring structure and support
Services Offered

Measure Glycaemic Index

Evaluation of Glycaemic Response and Variability

Clinical Trials

Micronutrient and Functional Food Studies

Internship Opportunities
Expertise / Team
Head of CTNH

Prof Dr Winnie Chee Siew Swee
Pro Vice Chancellor Academic; Professor,
School of Health Sciences
Head of GI Lab

Webinar Series: Ignite Your Mind

CTNH - Diabetes Remission in Asia: A Further Update on Evidence, Guidelines and Plans for the Region

Diabetes Remission: Update on Evidence, Guidelines & Recommendations for Research & Practice

Live Webinar CTNH 2022