Research Support

What We Do

We help researchers develop proposals, run projects and disseminate their findings.

Welcome to Research Support services. We are here to provide guidance, expert advice and hands-on support to help you achieve your research ambitions.

Through working in partnership with you, your department and school, we provide support to help you in all aspects of research and research-related work, including securing research funding, working with research partners, undertaking knowledge exchange, engaging external stakeholders and demonstrating impact, ensuring good research practice and supporting the professional development of researchers.

IMU Joint Committee on Research and Ethics

A. Introduction

This SOP describes the functions of IMU Joint Committee on Research and Ethics (IMU-JC) and processes involved during the review and ethical approval for all research conducted at IMU University. This SOP also describes the platform for submission of applications, the criteria of review and decision, the review process including expedited review and full board review for research involving the use of animal model and human subjects according to Malaysian Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice and International Guiding Principles for Animal Research.

B. Authority of the IMUJC

  • To evaluate proposals on all types of research, including biomedical and clinical research.
  • To approve, disapprove or modify the proposed studies.
  • To endorse progress reports from the investigators.
  • To suspend or terminate approved studies.
  • To place restrictions on a study.

C. Procedure Details

  • The process flow of the application for research and ethics at IMU.
  • The process flow of the monitoring for research and ethics at IMU.

D. Resources

Financial Support for Open Access Journal Publication

A. Eligibility

All academic staff of the University are eligible to apply for publication support, provided that:

  • The paper must be from the IMU-JC approved project. IMU will only fund proportionate amount of publication charges based on the number of authors/co-authors for non-IMU-JC approved project and is limit to a maximum of RM 2500.
  • The paper has been accepted for publication. The paper can be an original research article, systematic review, meta-analysis or review article. The Fund will not support publication of commentary or letter to editor.
  • The applicant must be the corresponding author and is limited to a maximum TWO (2) applications per year.
  • The corresponding author must be affiliated with International Medical University (IMU) and/or Institute for Research, Development and Innovation (IRDI) (with proper acknowledgement and correct use of International Medical University address and contact details).
  • The publication to be published must be ranked at Q1 or Q2 in the Scopus citation database ( The payment for the publication of the current year will be made based on the Journal Citation Reports (JCR, of the previous year. For example, JCR data from 2019 will be referred for publication dated 2018. Publication submitted to the Web of Science-indexed journal (ISI) is also included.
  • The financial support covers only fees associated with publishing, subject to the maximum amount allowed by IMU and does not cover additional charges beyond the basic article processing charges (APC). The financial support will not cover charges such as proofreading, editing, translation, excess page charges, or reprints.
  • The applicant does not have access to other funds that could be used to cover the publication charges. To some extent possible, individual faculty is expected to fund publication costs via both external and internal grants as well as support from our collaborative institutions and/or researchers. Consequently, individual faculty is expected to allocate budget for publication during the project planning and proposal writing stage. Applicant must have ACTIVE grants and/or the applicant can apply to make payment for publication within ONE YEAR after the grants expired or the project ends.
  • The financial support is distributed on a first come first served principle. If the year’s allocated funds for publishing run out before the end of the year, support ceases until new funds are available.

B. Application and Approval Process

Staff must apply in advance for support by completing an online Application form for Financial Support of Open Access Journal Publication. The completed application form shall be submitted online together with all necessary supporting documentation:

  • Letter or e-mail of acceptance of the publication
  • Invoice or pro-forma invoice with invoice no/order no/reference number on the publication charge from the journal publisher
  • A copy of the front page of the manuscript with the names and addresses of contributors or full draft manuscript
  • A copy of CERTIFIED TRUE COPY credit-card statement, bank statement or any proof of payment to the journal publisher – for those who paid in advance

The Research Management Centre (RMC) secretariat will schedule a meeting for the evaluation and decision for approval (Figure 1). The RMC will notify the applicant and, if applicable, liaise with the applicant and/or Financial Department for the disbursement of support once the final decision has been made.

Figure 1: The procedures of application for financial support of Open Access Journal Publication

C. Process of Payment

The proposed financial support is as below:

Criteria Proposed amount
Top 10% of JCR journals or journals with an IF of more than 10 Up to a maximum of RM 10,000
Q1 journals listed Web of Science or SCOPUS or Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) or Science Citation Index (SCI) Up to a maximum of RM 7,500
Q2 journals listed Web of Science or SCOPUS or Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) or Science Citation Index (SCI) Up to a maximum of RM 5,000
For non IMU-JC approved project publication, proportionate amount Up to maximum of RM 2,500

For making the payment, the RMC secretariat will be assisting in submitting the payment request (non trade supplier) via BPM.

Make Payment

If the amount payable to the publisher of the journal exceeds the amount approved by the University, the applicant will need to provide the grant COA or advise on the additional amount to be made to RMC secretariat prior to make payment request. RMC will provide the COA for the specified amount under the University’s financial support only.

IRDI Research Excellence Scholarship

IRDI Postgraduate Scholarship Award – Application, Approval and Monitoring Guidelines

In line with this, it is timely to propose a Guideline for the IRDI Postgraduate Research Scholarship Award (PGRSA) that is transparent and aligned with University’s mission and vision in research excellence. The proposed Guideline is expected to provide clarity for all faculty and postgraduate students in term of eligibility, application process, selection criteria, approval and process of payment. IRDI will continue to improve and benchmark this initiative with other local and international counterparts for more efficient management of the available support.

A. The Scholarship Scheme

The PGRSA is proposed to be offered to qualified MSc or PhD candidate who is interested to pursue their research career in project that are funded externally (e.g., FRGS, MOSTI eDana and etc.). The scholarship will cover the tuition fee for a duration of 2 years for Master of Science (by Research) and 3 years for PhD (by Research). The monthly allowance will be covered by the respective supervisor’s externally funded research grant. The maximum duration for the Scholarship is 2 years (4 semesters) for MSc and 3 years (6 semesters) for PhD. No extension is allowed, and the student will need to pay his/her own tuition fees beyond the stipulated timeframe. The PGRSA only covers for the current semester and does not support any backdated semesters.

As an IMU Postgraduate Research Scholar, the student is expected to:

  • be actively involved in all stages of the project planning.
  • carry out experiment as well as performing data analysis, interpretation, and dissemination.
  • gain the ability to present, write and discuss research in an international context.
  • develop comprehensive knowledge in the field of study.
  • develop comprehensive knowledge and work in close collaboration with scientists and clinician in the relevant field of study.
  • develop strong communication and collaborative skills.
  • assist in the Institute’s additional research activities such as tutoring, lab supervision, lab services, contract research, community service or administration.

B. Eligibility

The IMU IRDI is looking for a highly motivated, technically skilled, and creative person that have a strong attitude for cooperation and teamwork. Proven experiences in cell and molecular biology, epidemiology, public health, clinical research, and/or prior knowledge in bioinformatics and R or Python programming is an added advantage. Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are needed, in our international work environment.

All postgraduate students by research at the University are eligible to apply, provided that:

  • The applicant is of Malaysian citizenship.
  • The applicant is enrolled as a full-time postgraduate student.
  • The applicant must meet all necessary entry requirements of their chosen postgraduate programme (must have secured offer letter of admission for his/her desired programme).
  • The applicant is with a Bachelor degree of first (CGPA 3.75 and above) or second upper class (CGPA of 3.50 and above) of undergraduate academic achievement in a relevant subject.
  • The applicant must have satisfactory performance and successful progression over the duration of his/her postgraduate study. The University reserves the right to withdraw the award at any time should the student’s behaviour or performance be unsatisfactory, or the student withdrawal from the programme of study.
  • The applicant must successfully defense his/her proposal at IMU-JC, received ethics approval and has initiated data collection and experiment by the end of year 1 to continue the scholarship funding for year 2.
  • The applicant has provided all supporting documentation in the required format.
  • Fund is still available for the scholarship for that year.

C. Application and Approval Process

The applicant must apply for the IRDI Postgraduate Research Scholarship Award by completing an online Application form.

View Form

The completed application form shall be submitted online together with all necessary supporting documentation:

  • Letter of acceptance of postgraduate study from admission office
  • One (1) certified copy of qualification and transcript certificate for foundation, diploma, bachelor, master or PhD (whichever is applicable)
  • A personal letter and a curriculum vitae of the applicant
  • Degree projects and previous publications (if any)
  • Two (2) reference letters, one of it must be from the former direct supervisor; and
  • Any other documentation showing the desirable skills and personal qualities described above

The Research Management Centre (RMC) secretariat will schedule a meeting for the evaluation and decision for approval (Figure 1). A selection panel will evaluate all eligible applicants on the basis of the candidate’s academic and non-academic capabilities as well as alignment to the IRDI strategic plans. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview and be informed when the application is successful.

The RMC will notify the applicant and, if applicable, liaise with the applicant and/or Financial Department for the disbursement of support once the final decision has been made.

Figure 1: The procedures of application for IRDI Postgraduate Scholarship Award

D. Monitoring and Progression

As an IRDI Scholar, the applicant must meet all of the requirements listed below for continued participation in the scholarship program:

  • Maintain a “satisfactory” evaluation in each semester progress report throughout the study
  • Complete his/her study within the stipulated time (2 years for MSc and 3 years for PhD)
  • Show good/excellent student discipline, attendance, positive school and community behaviour
  • Continued enrolment at the University. If the candidate should defer due to poor academic performance, the scholarship will be terminated
  • Attend all activities and participate in all scheduled events organised by IRDI, including leadership and team building retreats, social activities, community service activities, enrichment activities, research seminars, CPD activities and research workshops. On top of that the candidate also required to attend induction program and lab equipment training as well as to assist in the lab testing.
  • Work closely and assist the Supervisor over the study period to ensure that all research objectives are achieved
  • Perform additional duties as required by the Director and Deputy Director (Research), Institute for Research, Development and Innovation (IRDI)
  • Commit to meet all the requirements of IRDI

E. Early Termination and Penalty

In the event that the scholarship recipient withdraws/resigns from the postgraduate programme, or is suspended or terminated by the University at any point of time before the completion of the postgraduate programme, the scholarship shall be automatically terminated by the University. Non-compliance to any of the terms and conditions related to the relevant scholarship would result to a breach of contract. Should such a withdrawal, termination or suspension occur, International Medical University and/ or IMU Education Sdn Bhd reserves the right to claim for the recovery of (a) All of the scholarship disbursed; and (b) Up to 20% of the disbursed sum as penalty (additional) as stated in the signed agreement, upon receiving a confirmation of resignation. This is based on the valuable benefit received by the scholarship recipient. The total amount of penalty must be fully settled within 60 days after the date of issuance of the claim notice.

However, should the scholarship recipient withdraw from the postgraduate programme due to medical reasons, his/ her scholarship will not incur any penalty, only after the scholarship recipient has provided adequate supporting medical documents acceptable to the University.

Should such a withdrawal, termination or suspension occur, International Medical University and/ or IMU Education Sdn Bhd reserves the right to claim for the recovery of (a) All of the scholarship disbursed; and (b) Up to 20% of the disbursed sum as penalty (additional) as stated in the signed agreement, upon receiving a confirmation of resignation. The total amount of claim must be fully settled within 60 days after the date of issuance of the claim notice.

Should the scholarship recipient accept any other scholarship (of any amount), this scholarship will be terminated automatically. International Medical University and/ or IMU Education Sdn Bhd reserves the right to claim for the recovery of (a) All of the scholarship disbursed; and (b) Up to 20% of the disbursed sum as penalty (additional) as stated in the signed agreement.

In the event of a dispute on the eligibility for the scholarship, the decision made by the IMU Scholarship Committee is considered final and absolute.

All scholarship package is reviewed on yearly basis. International Medical University reserves the right to change/amend the scholarship scheme and the terms and conditions at any point of time as and when it deems necessary without notice to the scholarship recipient.

International Medical University reserves the right to include the scholarship recipient in interviews, advertisements, photography or other publicity related activities for the purpose of promoting the research, commercialisation and educational agendas.

English Editing Services

Enago in collaboration with International Medical University continues to make a consistent effort to spread the right knowledge among academicians worldwide. We hope the following content proves an interesting read for you, please feel free to spread the knowledge to your peers and the upcoming generation of accomplished authors.

ENAGO offers top-notch Scientific Editing & Language Polishing to enhance the quality of your manuscript.

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Research Funding – How?

  • null


    • Identify the gaps with thorough literature review
    • Research question(s)
    • Research objectives
  • null


    Researchers’ effort, infrastructure for research

  • null

    Internal & external funding sources

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IMU Institutional Biosafety Committee (IMU-IBC)


The IMU Biosafety Committee (IMU-IBC) is a sub-committee of the IMU University – Joint Committee on Research & Ethics (IMU-JC), and will provide reports to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) and advice to the IMU-JC.

The IMU Biosafety Committee is established under the Biosafety (Approval and Notification) Regulations 2010. The responsibilities of the IBC include, but not limited to the following: The responsibilities of the IBC include but are not limited to, the following:

  • To provide guidance for safe use of modern biotechnology;
  • To monitor activities dealing with modern biotechnology;
  • Establishing and monitoring the implementation of policies and procedures for the purpose of handling living modified organisms; and
  • Determining the classes of Biosafety Levels for contained use activity for the purpose of modern biotechnology research and development undertaken within a facility where the institutional biosafety committee is established.

In order to comply with the Biosafety Act 2007 and Biosafety (Approval and notification) Regulation 2010, any release activity , contained use activity and importation/exportation of GMOs must get approval / notification from National Biosafety Board (NBB) through Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC).


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