Rental of Equipment

Rental of Equipment

Below is the list for rental of equipment that is available at IMU Research Laboratory.
Instrument Details Unit
  • Minus 20oC Freezer
  • Minus 80oC Ultralow Freezer
Per month/compartment
Animal House Facilities Animal house facilities Per hour
Bench fees Bench fees (20sqft)
  • Mini centrifuge
  • Refrigerated Centrifuge
Analytical Instrument
  • Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • Fourier Transform Infrarerd Spectroscopy (FTIR)
  • High Pressure Homogenizer
  • HPLC – Agilent 1200
  • HPLC – Agilent 1260 (with Auto sampler)
  • Microplate reader Microwave digestor
  • Benchtop NMR, 60MHz
  • Spectrophotometer (fluorescence)
  • Spectrophotometer UV/Vis
  • Zetasizer/Zetapotential
  • ÄKTA pure™ chromatography systems (FPLC)
  • Microwave Synthesizer – Monowave 50 and 450
Molecular Biology/proteomics
  • Gel Electrophoresis syysem
  • Mini Prrrotean Tetra Cell
  • SDS Page (Western Blot)
  • Flowcytomer and Cell Sorter
  • Real Time PCR
  • Conventional Thermal Cycler
Microscopy and imaging system
  • Microscope upright/inverted with/without imaging system
  • Table top Scanning electron Microscope with sputter coater
Other equipment
  • Lab scale fermenter , 2L
  • MicroBio Air sampler
  • Rotavapor system
  • Portable conductivity meter
  • Lab balance
  • Class II Biosafety cabinet
  • Incubators
  • Shaking incubator
  • Sonicator, probe
  • Water bath
  • Laminar Air Flow
  • Ultrasonic bath
Freeze Dryer
  • Freeze Dryer
  • Lyophilizer

Note: For any rental enquiries/quotation, you may email to [email protected]