Associate Prof Dr Bhavani Veasuvalingam

PhD Medical Education (USM)
Master of Science Medical Education (USM)
Postgraduate Diploma in Physiotherapy (Melbourne)
Master of Manipulative Physiotherapy (Melbourne)
Diploma in Physiotherapy (Ministry of Health, Malaysia)

Associate Professor (IMU Centre for Education)

Areas of Expertise
Medical Education


Orcid ID

Involvement in Conference/Symposium/Faculty Development Activities

  1. The Effect of a Peer-Led Single Best Answer Revision Course on Summative Examination Outcomes. Alvin Yong Zong Tung, Yu Ling Tan, Tse Hieng Kong, Gim Seong Ong, Bhavani Veasuvalingam at the IVMC Spring Conference 2022-Humans in Healthcare.
  2. Students’ Perceptions of Integrated Study Skills to Support Online Learning in the UK and in Malaysia by Emma Haagensen, Paul Hubbard, Bhavani Veasuvalingam, Learning and Teaching Conference 2022.
  3. The Peer-to-Peer Modified Online Structural Long Examination Review (MOSLER P2P). Dawn Poh, Cynthia Kamweru, Bhavani Veasuvalingam, APMEC 2021.
  4. The effects of integrative study support on the type and complexity of student study skills techniques. Haagensen E1*, Pancho B2, Walker S1, Veasuvalingam B2, Madelar Bien J2, Scotcher K1, Green E1, Thwe K2, Yakob E2, Hubbard P2    DEMEC Conference, June 2021.
  5. Poster: Staff development: collaboration across continents for using TEL, Alison Clapp. Teaching and Learning Conference 2021.
  6. Xerri de Caro, J. (2021). Proceedings from the 5th European Congress on Physiotherapy Education organized by the Europe Region of World Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 37(sup1), 1-51.
  7. ePoster: Current Physiotherapy Workplace-Based Assessment Practices to Measure Clinical Competence Performance: A Systematic Review. World Physiotherapy Congress 2021.
  8. Oral presentation at International Conference of Health Professional Education (ICHPE) 2020 Pakistan: Cultivating Clinical Competence Behavior among Physiotherapy Students with Implementation of Programmatic Clinical Portfolio (Pro-CP): A behavioral change intervention strategy.
  9. Oral presentation at ER-WCPT 2020 Leuven, Belgium: The Development of CULTVATE Model Guideline: Designs Valid Programmatic Clinical Portfolio (Pro-CP) for Assessment of Clinical Competence.
  10. Poster presentation at 3Rivers Conference 2019: Student and staff attitudes about lecture capture: informing future directions for use. Authors: Alison Clapp, Floor Christie-de Jong, John Moss, Bhavani Veasuvalingam, Oscar Daniel, Miranda Trevor, David Kennedy, and Ruth Valentine.
  11. Poster presentation at Teaching and Learning Conference April 2019: An educational experience supported and enhanced by technology; a mixed methods exploration of Newcastle University’s students’ and staff’s perspectives. Authors: Floor Christie-de Jong, Ruth Valentine, John Moss, Bhavani Veasuvalingam, Oscar Daniel, Miranda Trevor, Alison Clapp, David Kennedy.
  12. Oral presentation at Teaching and Learning Conference, April 2019: An educational experience supported and enhanced by technology; a mixed methods exploration of Newcastle University’s students’ and staff’s perspectives. Floor Christie-de Jong, Ruth Valentine, John Moss, Bhavani Veasuvalingam, Oscar Daniel, Miranda Trevor, Alison Clapp, David Kennedy.
  13. Oral Presentation at EduCity Educators Conference, Iskandar Puteri, Johor Baru, Johor Malaysia. September 2019: Introducing semi-flipped classroom in stage 2 biomedical sciences course of Newcastle Medicine Malaysia. Authors: Moe Kyaw Thu, Bhavani Veasuvalingam, Madihah Rushaidi.
  14. Oral Presentation at Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference 2019: Anatomy Apps use in Lecture promotes Effective Teaching and Learning: NUMed students experience. Authors: Adrillana, C.P.C.1, Veasuvalingam, B.
  15. Oral Presentation at Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference 2019: Interactive Brachial Plexus Teaching Using Gloves and Stockings: NUMed Students Experiences. Authors: Cruz, A. L. C.1, Veasuvalingam, B.
  16. Interactive Musculoskeletal Anatomy Teaching using Innovative Colored Adhesive Tapes: NUMed Students Experiences. Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference 2019: Mayo, Ronnie Valdez, Veasuvalingam, B.
  17. Oral Presentation: Evaluation of CREATE: a workplace-based assessment instrument designed to construct higher order cognitive skills among health graduates: a mixed method study. ASME Annual Scientific Meeting 2018: Medical Education with a global perspective. Sage, Gateshead, St. Mary’s Square, Gateshead Quays, Gateshead, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
  18. V.Bhavani (2017): The Outcome of Programmatic Clinical Portfolio on Clinical Competence of Physiotherapy Students. Presented at Prof.Rogayah Jaafar Health Profession Education Award.
  19. Veasuvalingam B. (2016). Perception of Students on Peer Teaching to Enhance Clinical Skills During Physiotherapy practical teaching. In: Proceedings of the 13th Asian Confederation of Physical Therapy 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 117.
  20. Veasuvalingam B. (2016). In: Strategizing Assessment for Performance…Beyond the Psychometric Borders by Integrating Construct for Whole Practice. Proceedings of the 13th Asian Confederation of Physical Therapy 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 118.
  21. Oral Presentation on “Clinical Portfolio an Assessment of Clinical Competency” at Mongolia AMEA conference for 6 & & June 2013.
  22. 15th Ottawa Conference on Assessment of Competence in Medicine and the Health Professions in 9-13 March 2012 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre – Oral presenter for an abstract on “Practical Teaching Behavior Inventory – PTBI”.
  23. Short Communication on “Clinical Portfolio an Assessment of Clinical Competency” at Lyon France on 25-29th, August 2012.
  24. Poster presentation at APMEC 2013 Singapore Medical Education.

Publications in Health Professions Education

Wadi, M., & Bhavani, V. (2011). Experience from Effective Learning Strategies Workshop. Education in Medicine Journal, 3(2), e75.

Veasuvalingam, B. (2012). Identifying Physiotherapy Stakeholders for Program Evaluation. Education in Medicine Journal, 4(2).

Veasuvalingam, B., & Arzuman, H. (2014). Physiotherapy Students’ Perception of their Educational Environment: A Study to Identify the Areas of Concern for Remedial Measures at Two Schools of Physiotherapy in Malaysia. Education in Medicine Journal, 6(3).

Veasuvalingam, B., Ajit, S., Yew, S. F., Program, P., & Home, P. C. P. S. J. (2019). Navigating Physiotherapy Competence Standards: The Triad Alignment of Key Stakeholders. Education in Medicine Journal, 11(3), 69–74.

Mayo, R. V., Adrillana, C. P. C., Cruz, A. L. C., Fernandez, D. R. A., & Veasuvalingam, B. (2021). Designing Online Anatomy Education by the “Debug” Guideline: COVID-19 Lessons Learnt. MedEdPublish, 10(1).

Kurien, A., Subramaniyam, V., Veasuvalingam, B., & Goodson, M. (2021). Integrating an Imaging Session in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Curriculum as an Improvement in Undergraduate Medical Education. South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education, 15(1), 26–33.

Yee, M. M., Yi, M. S., Nyunt, M. K., Veasuvalingam, B., Sint, S. Y., Karali, H., & Kurein, A. (2021). Effectiveness of Obstetric Emergency Workshop in Medical Students in Newcastle University Malaysia. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 4749–4754.

De, J. X. (2021). Proceedings from the 5th European Congress on Physiotherapy Education Organised by the Europe Region of World Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 37(sup1), 1–51.

Veasuvalingam, B., Saha, R., & Jagannathan, M. (2022). Navigating the Case-based Learning Multimodal Learning Environment: A Qualitative Study Across the First-year Medical Students. Education in Medicine Journal, 14(3), 91–108.