About Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning
Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning is conducted to evaluate the perception of students’ regarding their teaching and learning experiences in the university. The online- evaluation is designed to capture students’ feedback on their perception of the module, faculty work readiness, mentoring, and the learning environment. The quantitative and qualitative feedback is analysed and acted on by the schools to optimize the teaching and learning experiences.
- Module Evaluation – Module evaluation is conducted both on a modular and semesterly basis across all undergraduates and postgraduate programmes. Modules are evaluated based on components such as organisation, learning resources, delivery, and assessment & feedback. Module evaluation report includes both statistical output and structured qualitative comments (strengths and areas to improve).
- Faculty Evaluation – Faculty members are evaluated based on different teaching-learning roles that include plenary (lecture) and facilitation (problem-based learning, clinical, skills and centres). The evaluation is conducted on a modular and semester basis.
- Mentor Evaluation – Mentor evaluation is conducted once a year and evaluates mentorship role based on academic support, personal and social development, referral, and communication.
- I-Barometer Survey – I-Barometer Survey is conducted annually to measure the students’ satisfaction with the educational environment on four main domains namely arrival, learning, living, and support. The results from the survey are triangulated with the module and faculty evaluation and guide the action plans to enhance students’ learning and teaching experiences.
- Work readiness survey – The work readiness survey is conducted once a year among graduating undergraduate students. In addition to demographic characteristics and work experience four themes namely, work competence, organizational acumen, social intelligence, and personal; characteristics are studied.
- Peer observation of teaching – ICE provides logistic support to peer observation of teaching sessions and shares quarterly reports with the Deans of different schools.
Highlights of I-Barometer Survey 2020
Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning Process Flow
The evaluation process flow is established to guide the sequential implementation from pre-evaluation until maintenance of evaluation reports
Click HERE to see the Structure of Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning.