Peer Observation of Teaching (PoT)

Peer Observation of Teaching (PoT)

IMU advocates faculty development to ensure consistency of students’ learning experience based on the University’s learning model and to meet the changing needs of health care services. Teaching observation is an essential element of this commitment which equally benefits both the observer and the observee (the faculty who is being observed). Peer observation of teaching (PoT) can be an effective platform for faculty to exchange views on teaching techniques, disseminate good teaching practices, and promote faculty development and improvement.

Objectives of PoT

  1. To provide a supportive framework for the University’s faculty to monitor, triangulate evidence, reflect upon and improve their teaching quality,
  2. To enhance the quality of teaching by providing a useful framework for sharing good teaching practices,
  3. To identify faculty development needs related to the delivery of teaching and learning activities.

General Principles of PoT

  1. General Principles of PoT

    1. The emphasis of POT is on development rather than on judgment. Hence, the outcome will not be used for staff appraisal and promotion.
    2. PoT is a formative process to enhance the faculty’s teaching skills.
    1. It is recommended for:
    • Faculty who are at the start of their academic career to develop and improve their teaching skills,
    • New faculty who requires input to adapt to IMU programme educational philosophies or expectations,
    • when indicated by poor student evaluations or by teaching-related concerns raised by students, faculty, or School, and
    • Upon request by a faculty member who wishes to improve his or her teaching.
    1. Faculty members can select face-to-face or online teaching sessions for which the peer observation is to be carried out.
    2. The peer observation discussion will be kept as a confidential process that occurs between the observee and observers. Nevertheless, PoT reports will be maintained in IMU Centre for Education (ICE).

    Procedure and Process

    1. The Dean will identify peer observers and observees within each School. The process can also be initiated by the faculty.
    2. All peer observers must undergo training on peer observation.
    3. The observee can select the peer observers from the list of peer observers. Observers will mutually agree on the dates of meetings and observation sessions.
    4. Each peer observation may involve one or two peer observer(s). Two peer observers would allow feedback from multiple perspectives.

PoT Process

1. Pre-Observation Meeting

Prior to the observation, (normally one-week prior observation), the observee shall arrange a suitable date and time to meet his/her observers. The meeting serves to establish ground rules and clarify expectations. In the meeting, the observee may share with the observers the learning objectives/outcomes of the session, teaching plan, and any potential teaching challenge which requires feedback.

2.PoT Observation

The observers shall attend the teaching session based on the agreed schedule. The peer observers will evaluate the observee’s teaching/facilitation skills objectively using observation tools. The observation may include evidence of alignment between the observee’s teaching goals and student learning, student learning and engagement, e.g., questions and comments, note-taking, small group discussion, volume and quality of student participation, student-to-student, and student-teacher interaction.

3. Post-Observation Meeting

The observee shall arrange a suitable date and time to meet the observers, after the peer observation. In this meeting, observers share observation and feedback (including strengths and weaknesses) with the observee based on the peer observation tools. The observee may also seek observers’ feedback on how to improve their teaching.

4. Reflection

Peer observation is the opportunity for observes to reflect on their teaching skills based on peer feedback. This information is useful for triangulation with other sources, e.g., student feedback or evaluation so that necessary actions can be taken to improve their teaching, including faculty training. The reflection should be documented using the Self-Reflection Report and sent to ICE within two weeks post-observation session. The completed peer observation tools by the observers and the observee’s self-reflection will be submitted to ICE. ICE will collate the information and send it to the Dean/Director of the respective School/Centre.

PoT Registration

PoT registration can be done through the following link –

Faculty members can refer to The List of Peer Observers (For IMU Internal use only) to select suitable observers. 

(Adapted from the IMU Peer Observation of Teaching Guidelines)