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E-Learning License Plus [23/2]

Date: 24 August 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Training Mode: Hybrid (Face-to-Face – BJ Campus / Online – Other Campuses)
Training Venue: Seminar Room 8 (4.07), Level 4, Bukit Jalil Campus
Training Platform: Microsoft Teams



  1. Mr Hasnain Zafar Baloch
  2. e-Learning Team



  • E-learning (EL)



  • Role 1: Information Provider and Guide
  • Role 2: Role Model as Teacher & Practitioner
  • Role 3: Facilitator & Mentor
  • Role 4: Assessor
  • Role 5: Curriculum Developer & Evaluator
  • Role 8: Professional & Enquirer Into Own Competence


Workshop Overview:-

Elearning Licence Plus is a fully online course. This certification will equip the academics with the intermediate skills in elearning. To register for this certification, participants need to be certified in elearning licence basic.

During this workshop, elearning staff will assist academic and staff who have enrolled and need assistance in completing the modules. There are 10 online modules need to be completed which covers storyboard design and development, introduction to interactive learning material unit (ILMU), Designing an Interactive Content In Storyline, Developing A Case Based Scenario In Storyline, Develop Interactive Course Using H5P, Articulate Replay, Articulate Rise, Tracking Activity Completion In LMS, Enhancing Learning Through Gamification and Advanced Video Editing.

Once you have completed all the learning activities and submit the assignments, you will be awarded the digital badges for each module and the Plus e-Learning Licence e-certificate.


Workshop Learning Outcomes:-

After this workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • Complete the learning activities for the Plus elearning Licence modules.
  • Submit assignments based on the guidance from the facilitators.


Registration Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ELLicensePlus232

Registration Deadline: 13 August 2023

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