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E-Learning Session 2: Creating Interactive Learning Material Unit (ILMU) Using Articulate Rise

Date: 09 February 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 10:00 am to 12:30 pm
Training Mode: Hybrid
Training Platform: Microsoft Teams
Training Venue: ICE Training Centre (2.09), Level 2, Bukit Jalil Campus



  1. Ms Aida Lina Alias
  2. Ms Marliana Omar Bakhi



  • E-learning (EL)



  • Role 1: Information Provider and Guide
  • Role 3: Facilitator & Mentor


Workshop Overview:-

Interactive Learning Material Unit (ILMU) is any eLearning interactive materials developed to teach certain topic/subject with appropriate learning activities such as knowledge checks or other learning activities available in the learning portal. ILMU can be developed using any of appropriate authoring tools and must be aligned with learning activities and outcomes. 

Articulate Rise is one of authoring tools that enable developers to create responsive courses in any device right in a web browser. Articulate Rise a web-based application that provide templated courses and quizzes to engage with learners.

Workshop Promotional Video: E-Learning Session 2: Creating Interactive Learning Material Unit ILMU – YouTube



You need to enroll in a short course to gain the overview and steps on how to create an interactive learning material unit (ILMU) using Articulate Rise and attempt the pre-assessment quiz. The links to both the short course and the pre-assessment questions will be shared later to the registered participants closer to the workshop date.


During Workshop:-

Facilitators will summarise the key points from the course and answer your questions. There will be hands-on session to create your own interactive learning material unit (ILMU) using Articulate Rise for your student.



You are required to submit the sample of the interactive learning material unit (ILMU) that have been created using Articulate Rise in the short course. You will receive a badge upon completing the activity.


Workshop Learning Outcomes:-

After this workshop, the participants will be able to:

  1. Design and develop an interactive learning materials unit (ILMU) using Articulate Rise 360 tool by applying instructional design model and principles.
  2. Create material and assessment using various type of interactive elements aligned with the learning outcomes.
  3. Export ILMU as an LMS package in SCORM format.
  4. Upload the LMS package to the eLearning portals.
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