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Webinar: Synthesis and Perspectives from the Ottawa 2022 Conference

Date: 09 February 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Training Platform: Zoom


  1. Katharine Boursicot, Health Professional Assessment Consultancy, Singapore
  2. Vishna Devi Nadarajah, International Medical University, Malaysia
  3. Elize Archer, Stellenbosh Univerity, South Africa
  4. Eeva Pyörälä, University of Helsinki, Finland
  5. Jen Williams, University of New England, Australia
  6. Riita Möller, Karolinska Instituet, Sweden
  7. Susan Humphrey-Murto, University of Toronto, Canada


  1. Sandra Kemp, University of Wollongong, Australia
  2. John Norcini, ex-President, FAIMER


The 2022 Ottawa Conference on the Assessment of Competence in Medicine and the Healthcare Professions was held in person (and virtually) in Lyon in August 2022. This webinar summarising the most significant issues reflects a symposium presented at the AMEE Conference which followed the Ottawa Conference. The themes identified as important included designing Systems of Assessment, Feedback Conversations, Outcomes Based Assessment, the best use of Portfolios, Technology in Assessment, tensions between high-stakes testing and Programmatic Assessment, and other challenging areas. In this webinar, the speakers will explore these themes and the audience will be welcome to ask questions and comment on the issues raised.


  • General 


  • Role 1: Information provider and guide
  • Role 2: Role model as teacher & practitioner
  • Role 3: Facilitator & mentor
  • Role 4: Assessor
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