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Mentoring Students Workshop [24/1]

Date: 18 November 2024 (Monday)
Time: 08:30 am to 01:30 pm
Training Mode: Face-to-Face
Training Venue: TBA



  1. Dr Sushela Devi Somanath
  2. Dr Jaiprakash Mohanraj
  3. Ms Carina Lai Mew Yee
  4. Dr Tan Boon Hooi
  5. Dr Serena In
  6. Dr Jestin Chellian
  7. Dr Chin Swee Yee
  8. Ms Cheryl Tham Sin Yi



  • Mandatory Programme



  • Role 1: Information Provider and Guide
  • Role 2: Role Model as Teacher & Practitioner
  • Role 3: Facilitator & Mentor
  • Role 4: Assessor


Workshop Aim:-

  • To introduce participants to the role and responsibilities of the mentor at IMU.


Workshop Objective:-

The objective of this workshop is to:

  1. develop an awareness of the principles of mentoring in the teaching programme at IMU.
  2. apply principles of mentorship to the mentees as a learning process.
  3. demonstrate effective communication skills in mentoring.


Workshop Learning Outcomes:-

After this workshop, the participants will be able to:

  1. acquire knowledge of the principles of mentoring in IMU.
  2. develop skills in active listening.
  3. explain the referral system – who to refer the students too depending on the situation.




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