RHVP 2022 Workshop on Feedback and Coaching: A Bidirectional Approach
Date: 2 November 2022, Tuesday
Time: 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
Mode: Face to Face
Venue: ICE Training Room, Level 2, Bukit Jalil Campus
Facilitator: Dr Subha Ramani
Registration Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RHVP2022WorkshopFeedbackCoaching2Nov22
The primary goal of performance assessment, in clinical and non-clinical environments, is to calibrate the gaps between expected and current performance and help the learner narrow these gaps. This goal fosters the professional development and growth of learners. Self-reflection and feedback are integral to this process, however, feedback conversations may not always be effective. Recent research defines feedback as a dynamic, bidirectional process with a focus on growth. The effectiveness depends not only on how the feedback is given, but also on how it is received and accepted. This can be challenging for the feedback giver and recipient. The proposed workshop aims to address the concerns and share experience based on the AMEE guide “Meaningful feedback through a sociocultural lens” by Prof Subha Ramani.