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Teaching Assistantship Workshop for Students

Date: 25 November 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00 am – 04:00 pm
Training Mode: Face-to-Face
Training Venue: ICE Training Centre (2.09), Level 2, Bukit Jalil Campus



  • Curriculum Development (CD)


  • Role 2: Role model as teacher & practitioner
  • Role 3: Facilitator & mentor
  • Role 4: Assessor



  1. AP Dr Sow Chew Fei
  2. Ms Siti Suriani Abdul Razak
  3. Dr Norah Htet Htet
  4. Prof Muneer Gohar Babar
  5. Dr Kok Yih Yih


Workshop Overview:-

Peer teaching & learning is the process of students teaching and learning with and from each other. It is a common and recognised practice in both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in health professions education.

Students will take on a formal teaching role (peer tutors) in an educational setting, to share knowledge, skills and attitudes with other students. By taking on voluntary or paid (teaching assistant) teaching, peer tutors are enabled to clarify, reinforce & extend their own learning, thereby developing cognitively and in terms of their professional identity. Teaching is seen as a professional activity, requiring content knowledge and knowledge of teaching, a useful skill set, and the adoption of a planned, purposeful, evaluative and reflexive approach.

This workshop will provide a walkthrough of the concept of teaching assistantship, linking educational theory to practice. Facilitators will discuss the pedagogical concepts of peer teaching, benefits and potential challenges, and essential strategies and skills in peer teaching.


Workshop Learning Outcomes:-

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  1. explore the concept of peer teaching and the principles of adult learning.
  2. discuss small group teaching and potential challenges in facilitating small group teaching.
  3. apply the tips and tricks in facilitating peer teaching sessions.
  4. apply the essential steps in giving and receiving feedback for peer teaching.
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