Concordance of recommendations across clinical practice guidelines for the management of hypertension in Southeast Asia with internationally reputable sources
CS Kow, SS Hasan, PS Wong, RK Verma
BMC cardiovascular disorders 21 (1), 1-17, 2021
Quality of clinical practice guidelines for the management of hypertension in six Southeast Asian countries
CS Kow, SS Hasan, PS Wong, RK Verma
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 43 (7), 633-641, 2021
Perceptions, behaviours, barriers, and needs of flipped classroom learning: opinions of first-year pharmacy students
PS Wong, KL Ho, CF Chia, SH Ng, H Hashim
Pharmacy Education 21, 315-322, 2021
Influencing factors and processes of interprofessional professional education (IPE) implementation|
PS Wong, YS Chen, PS Saw
Medical teacher 43 (sup1), S39-S45, 2021
Practical Considerations for Online Open Book Examinations in Remote Settings
HM Er, VD Nadarajah, PS Wong, NK Mitra, Z Ibrahim
MedEdPublish 9 (153), 153, 2021
Implementing remote pharmacy objective structured clinical examination during the COVID-19 pandemic
PS Wong, A Tumkur, S Shanmugham, WKC David, P Ingle, SI Ahmed
Pharmacy Education 20 (2), 221-225, 2020
Anticholinergic Burden, Sleep Quality and Health Outcomes in Malaysian Aged Care Home Residents
S Kumar, SS Hasan, PS Wong, DWK Chong, T Kairuz
Pharmacy 7 (4), 143, 2019
The relationship between sleep quality, inappropriate medication use and frailty among older adults in aged care homes in Malaysia
S Kumar, PS Wong, SS Hasan, T Kairuz
PloS one 14 (10), e0224122, 2019
Evaluation of Computer-based Simulation Learning on Knowledge, Learning Approaches and Motivation among Pharmacy Students
CW Mai, EL Lee, PS Wong, HM Er
Indian J. Pharm. Educ. Res 53, 595-602, 2019
Consolidated medication review algorithm to improve medications use in older adults: components, scoring scheme, and implementation
K Thiruchelvam, PS Wong, T Kairuz, SS Hasan
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 19 (8), 717-718, 2018
What role could community pharmacists in Malaysia play in diabetes self-management education and support? The views of individuals with type 2 diabetes
EL Lee, PS Wong, MY Tan, J Sheridan
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 26 (2), 138-147, 2018
Assessment of attitudes for interprofessional team working and knowledge of health professions competencies for final year health professional students
PS Wong, SS Hasan, J Ooi, SHL Lawrence, VD Nadarajah
The Asia Pacific Scholar 3 (1), 27-37, 2018
Students’ Perceptions of Live Online Virtual e-Problem Based Learning (LOVE-PBL) using Google Hangouts.
H Hashim, DWK Chong, HM Er, PK Deb, PS Wong, MS Lee,
Education in Medicine Journal 9 (4), 2017
A qualitative study on pharmacists’ perception on integrating pharmacists into private general practitioner’s clinics in Malaysia
PS Saw, L Nissen, C Freeman, PS Wong, V Mak
Pharmacy Practice (Granada) 15 (3), 2017
Exploring the role of pharmacists in private primary healthcare clinics in Malaysia: the views of general practitioners
P San Saw, L Nissen, C Freeman, PS Wong, V Mak
Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research 47 (1), 27-33, 2017
Optimizing medication use among older people residing in aged care facilities
Innovation in Aging 1 (S1), 432, 2017
Residential aged care medication review to improve the quality of medication use: a systematic review
K Thiruchelvam, SS Hasan, PS Wong, T Kairuz
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 18 (1), 87. e1-87. e14, 2017
Assessing psychometric qualities of the Groningen Frailty Indicator
K Thiruchelvam, SS Hasan, PS Wong, T Kairuz
The Malaysian Society of Geriatric Medicine, 2016
Self-medication practices among female students of higher educational institutions in Selangor, Malaysia: A quantitative insight
SQ Jamshed, PS Wong, HC Yi, GS Yun, MU Khan, A Ahmad
Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences 8 (3), 217, 2016