Teaching & Learning Activities – International Visiting Faculty

Professor Richard Hays

Professor of Medical Education – RHMT, University of Tasmania, Australia

Prof Richard Hays was a rural procedural general practitioner in northern Australia before becoming a teacher and education researcher, with a career focus on developing new or change managing established programs and institutional structures in regional and rural communities.  In addition to medical and clinical qualifications, he has a PhD in educational psychology and a higher MD in medical education.  This combination of qualifications has helped him to lead the development or transformation of four medical programs in Australia and the United Kingdom, and to act as a consultant to other developments in Europe, South-East Asia, the Western Pacific region and Canada.  He has contributed to international medical education quality assurance and accreditation processes, through the Australian Medical Council, the General Medical Council, the World Federation of Medical Education and regulators in Malaysia, Hong Kong and China..  Along the way he has been awarded about AUD 3 million in competitive research and development grants and has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers, 50 other journal articles, 17 book chapters and 9 books, primarily on assessment, curriculum design and educational quality assurance, all with a strong rural flavour.  He is the founding editor of the new on-line medical education journal MedEdPublish, a post-publication peer review journal published by the Association for Medical Education in Europe.  He is also a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Association of Medical Education Europe, the Australian and New Zealand Association of Health Professional Education, and the Association of Medical Educators.

Workshop on Academic Writing for all PGHPE students

28th February 2020

Synopsis of the session

Research and scholarship are among the roles of a teacher. To excel in these areas, one is required to engage in continual professional reflection and renewal, including active participation and interaction with the health professions education community through conferences and publications. In this workshop, the participants mapped out the research and scholarship activities and aligned them with the other functions of academics.

Objectives of this workshop: –

  • To demonstrate understanding of writing as a series of tasks, including finding, evaluating, analysing, and synthesizing appropriate sources, and as a process that involves composing, editing, and revising.
  • To demonstrate critical reading and analytical skills, including understanding an argument’s major assertions and assumptions, and how to evaluate its supporting evidence.
  • To demonstrate research skills, integrate your own ideas with those of others, and apply the conventions of attribution and citation correctly.
  • To use a Standard Written English and revise and edit your own writing for appropriateness.
  • To demonstrate an understanding of the connection between writing and thinking and use writing and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating in an academic setting.
Teaching & Learning Activities

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Professions Education

Module 8b: Management and Leadership in HPE

Leadership and Management

Prof Ray Peterson

Associate Professor Education and Innovation, University of Adelaide

Prof  Peterson has a BSc(Hons) and DipEd from Flinders University, and PG DipScEd, MAppSc and PhD from Curtin University.  He was the Director of the MBBS Programme and Head of the Discipline of Medical Education at the University of Queensland. As Director of the MBBS Programme, he has overall operational responsibility and quality assurance for the delivery of all four years of the Graduate Medical Programme. Part of his responsibility is to provide ongoing educational review and improvements in the design, delivery and assessment of the programme.  He was also Chair of the MBBS Curriculum Committee and Head of Assessment. 

As Head of Discipline of Medical Education, Prof Peterson is responsible for the scholarship of teaching, learning and assessment, and projects, which lead to better quality outcomes in program delivery.  He has broad-ranging interests in teaching and learning and is supervising Ph.D. students in medical, dental, health and physiotherapy education.

Since 2008, Prof Peterson has been a regular visitor to IMU to work on collaborative projects in research, teaching and program development. 

Teaching and Learning Activities

Plenaries with PGHPE students on Current Updates in Teaching and Learning- Small Group Learning

Research Clinic- Discussion on future research plan and proposals

Teaching & Learning Activities

Postgraduate Certificate in Health Professions Education (1/18)

    • Module 2 - Theories and Methods in Teaching and Learning in Health Professions Education
      • Application of Theory to Practice – Critical Review of the Article (Seminar)

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Professions Education (1/17)

    • Module 6: Laying the Foundation of research
      • Data Collection Tools in Qualitative research
      • Interpreting Qualitative Data
      • Ethics in Educational Research

Professor Cees van der Vleuten

Professor of Education at Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Cees van der Vleuten, PhD, has been at the University of Maastricht in The Netherlands since 1982. In 1996 he was appointed Professor of Education and chair of the Department of Educational Development and Research in the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (until 2014). Since 2005 he has been the Scientific Director of the School of Health Professions Education. This graduate school offers master and PhD degrees in health sciences education to a wide variety of international students. He mentors many researchers in medical education and has supervised more than 80 doctoral graduate students. His primary expertise lies in evaluation and assessment. He has published widely in this domain, holds numerous academic awards, including several career awards. In 2005 he received John P. Hubbard Award for significant contribution to research and development of assessment of medical competence from the National Board of Medical Examiners in the US. In 2010 he received a Dutch royal decoration for the societal impact of his work and in 2012 the Karolinska Prize for Research in Medical Education. He serves frequently as a consultant internationally. He holds honorary academic appointments in the School of Medicine, Flinders University, Adelaide in Australia, Western Sydney University, Sydney in Australia, the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in South-Africa, the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, United States of America and the University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, United States.

Student Engagement:

Mini Workshop on Programmatic Assessment

Dr Rebecca O’Rourke

Principal Teaching Fellow at University of Leeds, Unikted Kingdom.

Dr O’Rourke is also the Deputy Programme Lead for Postgraduate Clinical Education Programme. Her area of expertise includes: Academic Writing Pedagogies; Critical Social Theory; Professional Learning in and for the Clinical Workplace; Scholarship of Learning and Teaching; Qualitative Research Methodology. 

Helen Bradbury

Associate Professor, Pharmacy Education and Professional Lead for Pharmacy, University of Leeds, United Kingdom.

Helen works in Healthcare Education for the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Leeds. She also lead on the Regional Preregistration Pharmacist training programme in Yorkshire and the Humber. She has published on reflective practice, e-learning and practical prescribing for medical students. 

Teaching And Learning Activities

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Professions Education

Module 7: Curriculum Planning & Evaluation

Topic: Constructive Alignment (Plenary & Workshop)

Topic: Evaluation of Curriculum,Quality framework & its importance (Plenary)

Professor Trudie E. Roberts

Director, Leeds Institute of Medical Education, United Kingdom

Professor Roberts graduated from Manchester with a degree in Medicine and a BSc in Anatomy. In 2000 she was appointed Professor of Medical Education at the University of Leeds. She was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2006. She was a council member of the General Medical Council from 2009 until 2012 and Chair of the Association for the Study of Medical Education until July 2013. In September 2013 she took over as President of the Association for Medical Education in Europe. Professor Roberts’s main interests and expertise are in the areas of assessment of competence, professionalism, and transitions.