Publication on Health Professions Education

As a centre of excellence in learning and teaching, IMU faculties are actively conducting research in Health Professions Education (HPE). There has been an increase in the number of HPE publications since IMU started its research activities in 2000. Listed below are the list of recent publications by IMU.

  1. Thuraisingham, C., Abd Razak, S. S., Nadarajah, V. D., & Mamat, N. H. B. (2023). Communication skills in primary care settings: aligning student and patient voices. Education for Primary Care, 1–8.
  2. Chua, J. Y. C., Koh, K. C., Nagandla, K., Venkateswaran, S. P., Win, T. T., Ganeson, M., Santiago, C., Lee, L. S. T., & Agarwal, P. (2023). Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learnt and Experience of a Private Medical School in Malaysia. Education in Medicine Journal, 15(1), 91–99.
  3. Hassan, S., Venkateswaran, S. P., Agarwal, P., Sulaiman, A. M., & Burud, I. a. S. (2022). Metacognitive Awareness and Its Relation to Students’ Academic Achievement: Time To Ponder Its Implication In Delivery of The Curriculum. Research Square (Research Square).
  4. Yasin, H., Palaian, S., Shankar, P. R., & Nallamilli, S. (2023). Readiness for Interprofessional Education Among Health Profession Students in a University in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, Volume 16, 1141–1149.
  5. Shankar, P. R. (2023). Academic designations for the modern age. Canadian Medical Education Journal.
  6. DMani, S., Shankar, P. R., & Munohsamy, T. (2023). Inquiry-based approach to pandemics throughout history: understanding healthcare students’ learning experience. Learning, 1–15.

  7. P. Ravi Shankar. (2023, March 3). Movie review: Miss Evers’ Boys. Hektoen International – An online medical humanities journal.
  8. Shankar, P. R., Joshi, A., Kalra, J., & Agarwal, A. (2023). Exploring “Human Skills” through a Cinemeducation Workshop during a Health Professions Education Conference in India. Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University, 18(2), 343–344.
  9. Shankar, P. R., Azhar, T., Nadarajah, V. D., Er, H. M., Arooj, M., & Wilson, I. G. (in press). Faculty perceptions regarding an individually tailored, flexible length, outcomes-based curriculum for undergraduate medical students. Korean Journal of Medical Education.

  10. Er, H. M., Wong, P. S., & Nadarajah, V. D. (2023). Remote online open book examinations: through the lenses of faculty and students in health professions programmes. BMC Medical Education, 23(1).

  11. Amirthalingam, S. D., Ramasamy, S., & Aznal, S. S. H. S. (2023). Gamification through collaborative learning in medical education. The Asia Pacific Scholar, 8(3), 45–49.

  12. Abd Razak, S. S., Veasuvalingam, B., Pathiyil, R. S., & Mamat, N. H. (2023). Involving stakeholders in postgraduate health professions education programmesThe Asia Pacific Scholar8(4), 59.
  13. Mitra, N. K., Ebenezer, C., Wong, P. S., Sow, C. F., Abd Razak, S. S., Er, H. M.,  & Nadarajah, V. D (2023). Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges in Health Professions Education. IeJSME 2023 Vol 17(3): 02-08
  1. Fuller R, Goddard VC, Nadarajah VD, Treasure-Jones T, Yeates P, Scott K, Webb A, Valter K, Pyorala E. Technology enhanced assessment: Ottawa consensus statement and recommendations. Medical teacher. 2022 Jun 29:1-5.
  2. McKimm J, Ramani S, Forrest K, Bishop J, Findyartini A, Mills C, Hassanien M, Al-Hayani A, Jones P, Nadarajah VD, Radu G. Adaptive leadership during challenging times: Effective strategies for health professions educators: AMEE Guide No. 148. Medical Teacher. 2022 May 9:1-1.
  3. Arunachalam S, Pau A, Nadarajah VD, Babar MG, Samarasekera DD. Entrustable professional activities in undergraduate dental education: A practical model for development and validation. European Journal of Dental Education. 2022 Apr 28.
  4. Ramani S, McKimm J, Forrest K, Hays R, Bishop J, Thampy H, Findyartini A, Nadarajah VD, Kusurkar R, Wilson K, Filipe H. Co-creating scholarship through collaborative writing in health professions education: AMEE Guide No. 143. Medical Teacher. 2022 Apr 3;44(4):342-52.
  5. Menon RK, Bhatia S, Nadarajah VD, Pau A. Piloting Online “Think Aloud” Sessions to Support Clinical Learning During the Pandemic. Education in Medicine Journal. 2022;14(2):93-102.
  6. Nadarajah VD, Claramita M, Findyartini A, Samarasekera D, Nishigori H. The Way Forward: A Multi-Directional Global Conversation on Culture and Learning. InChallenges and Opportunities in Health Professions Education 2022 (pp. 293-308). Springer, Singapore.
  7. Ajjawi R, Crampton PE, Ginsburg S, Mubuuke GA, Hauer KE, Illing J, Mattick K, Monrouxe L, Nadarajah VD, Vu NV, Wilkinson T. Promoting inclusivity in health professions education publishing. Medical education. 2022;56(3):252-6.
  8. Routh J, Paramasivam SJ, Cockcroft P, Nadarajah VD, Jeevaratnam K. Using Learning Theories to Develop a Veterinary Student Preparedness Toolkit for Workplace Clinical Training. Frontiers in veterinary science. 2022;9.
  9. Shankar PR, Min Hui Chan, Pei Se Wong, Venkateswaran Sunil Pazhayanur. Mental health of students of biomedical sciences during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review. Medicine and Pharmacy Reports 2022;95:131-43. DOI: 10.15386/mpr-2139
  10. Shankar PR. Factors influencing the social obligation of doctors. Education for Health 2021;34:126-7.
  11. Shankar PR. Blended learning and assessment in medical education: important for Nepal. Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Sciences 2021; 9 (2):1-4.
  12. Shankar PR. Artificial intelligence in healthcare in Nepal. Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Sciences 2022; 10 (1):1-4
  13. Jha N, Palaian S, Shankar PR, Poudyal S. Readiness for interprofessional learning among first year medical and dental students in Nepal. Advances in Medical education and Practice 2022:13 495–505.
  14. Shankar PR, Nadarajah VD, Wilson IG. Implications of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic for primary care. Australian Journal of Primary Health 2022 Mar 25. Doi: 10.1071/PY21096.
  15. Chan, S. M. H., Mamat, N. H., & Nadarajah, V. D. (2022). Mind your language: the importance of english language skills in an International Medical Programme (IMP). BMC medical education, 22(1), 1-7.
  16. Chitra, E., Hidayah, N., Chandratilake, M., & V Nadarajah, V. D. (2022). Self-regulated learning practice of undergraduate students in health professions programs. Frontiers in Medicine, 84.
  17. Sam, C. P., Mamat, N. H., & Nadarajah, V. D. (2022). An exploratory study on the challenges faced and coping strategies used by preclinical medical students during the COVID-19 crisis. Korean Journal of Medical Education, 34(2), 95-106.
  18. Yap, A. X. W., Er, H. M., Ng, S. H., & Nadarajah, V. D. (2022). Community Service and its Learning Values: Perceptions of Undergraduate Pharmacy Students. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, 56(3), 673-680.
  19. Mitra, N. K. (2022). New Updates in Online Learning. New Updates in E-Learning, 19.
  20. Nadarajah, A., Ramasamy, S., Shankar, P. R., & Sreeramareddy, C. T. (2022). Development and validation of motivators for medical specialist career choice questionnaire (MMSCCQ)-a methodological study. BMC medical education, 22(1), 1-9.
  21. Shankar PR (2022),  Educationg Tomorrow’s Doctor Yesterday. Journal of KIST Medical College 4 (7), 58-59.
  22. Shankar, P. R., Piryani, R. M., & Palaian, S. (2022). Organizing and Conducting Small Group Interactive Learning Sessions. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, 56(3), 667-672.
  23. Nathan, A. D., Shankar, P. R., & Sreerramareddy, C. T. (2022). Community pharmacists’ counseling practices and patient experiences about topical corticosteroids–an online survey in the Klang Valley, Malaysia.
  24. Shankar, P. R. (2022). Between Scylla and Charybdis: academic publishing during the ongoing pandemic. Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 12(1), 136-138.
  25. Nadarajah, A., Shankar, P. R., & Jayaraman, S. (2022). House officers’ specialist career choices and motivators for their choice–a sequential mixed methods study from Malaysia.
  26. Jha, N., Shankar, P. R., Al-Betar, M. A., Mukhia, R., Hada, K., & Palaian, S. (2022). Undergraduate Medical Students’ and Interns’ Knowledge and Perception of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 13, 927.
  27. Lam, A., Lam, L., Blacketer, C., Parnis, R., Franke, K., Wagner, M., … & Bacchi, S. (2022). Professionalism and clinical short answer question marking with machine learning. Internal Medicine Journal, 52(7), 1268-1271.
  28. Hassan, S., Venkateswaran, S. P., Agarwal, P., Sulaiman, A. R. B., & Burud, I. A. S. (2022). Metacognitive Awareness And Its Relation To Students’ Academic Achievement: Time To Ponder Its Implication In Delivery of The Curriculum. Europe PMC. 
  29. Jaiprakash, H. (2022). Flipped Classroom for Pharmacology Teaching in a Malaysian Medical School using Online Tools during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Knowledge Gained and Student Perception. International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering, 18(8).
  30. Shankar PR, Palaian S, Gyawali S. Perceived medium-term influence of a medical humanities module on medical students and faculties: a qualitative study. Journal of Datta Meghe Health Sciences University J Datta Meghe Inst Med Sci.Univ 2022;17:358-63. DOI: 10.4103/jdmimsu.jdmimsu_403_21.
  31. Shankar PR. Artificial intelligence in health professions education. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences 2022;10:256-61.
  32. Shankar PR. Encompassing medical ethics within the medical humanities? Indian Journal of Medical Ethics Published online first on November 17, 2022. DOI: 10.20529/IJME.2022.085.
  1. Vishna Devi Nadarajah. (2021), Gender and medical education authorship: Moving forward comfortably with necessary conversations. Medical Education. DOI: 1111/medu.14478
  2. Hassan, S., Venkateswaran, S. P., & Nadarajah, V. D. (2021). Evaluation of immediate impact of Faculty Development Programme using a pretest–post-test study design format. Innovation and Education3(1), 1-9. DOI:
  3. Pei Se Wong, Ket Li Ho, Chee Fen Chia, Sook Han Ng, Hazwanie Hashim. (2021). Perceptions, behaviours, barriers, and needs of flipped classroom learning: opinions of first-year pharmacy students. Pharmacy Education 21, 315-322. DOI:
  4. P. L. Ariyananda. (2021). Compromising patient safety: Lessons learnt from some critical incidents. Galle Medical Journal, 26(2), pp.39–42. DOI:
  5. Mamat, N. H., & Nik Ahmad, H. I. (2021). Integration of emotional intelligence in teaching practice among university teachers in higher education. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 18(2), 69-102. DOI:
  1. McKimm, J., Ramani, S., Kusurkar, R. A., Fornari, A., Nadarajah, V. D., Thampy, H., … & Hays, R. (2020). Capturing the wisdom of the crowd: health professions’ educators meet at a virtual world café. Perspectives on Medical Education, 1-6.
  2. Ramani, S., McKimm, J., Findyartini, A., Nadarajah, V. D., Hays, R., Chisolm, M. S., … & Thampy, H. (2020). Twelve tips for developing a global community of scholars in health professions educationMedical Teacher, 1-6.
  3. Nadarajah, V. D., Sow, C. F., Syed Aznal, S. S., Montagu, A., Boursicot, K., & Er, H. M. (2020). Development of and First Experiences with a Framework (EASI) for Options and Implementation Opportunities for Online Clinical and Communication Skills LearningJournal of Medical Education and Curricular Development7, 2382120520970894.
  4. Nadarajah, V. D., Er, H. M., & Lilley, P. (2020). Turning Around a Medical Education Conference: Ottawa2020 in the time of Covid‐19Medical Education. DOI:10.1111/medu.14197
  5. Thampy, H. K., Ramani, S., McKimm, J., & Nadarajah, V. D. (2020). Virtual speed mentoring in challenging timesThe Clinical Teacher17(4), 430-432. DOI:10.1111/tct.13216
  6. Er, H. M., Nadarajah, V. D., Ng, S. H., & Wong, A. N. (2020). Quality assurance in education: perception of undergraduate health professions students in a Malaysian universityKorean Journal of Medical Education. DOI:
  7. Er, H. M., Nadarajah, V. D., Wong, P. S., Mitra, N. K., & Ibrahim, Z. (2020). Practical Considerations for Online Open Book Examinations in Remote SettingsMedEdPublish9. DOI:
  8. Soemantri, D., Karunathilake, I., Yang, J. H., Chang, S. C., Lin, C. H., Nadarajah, V. D., … & Ponnamperuma, G. (2020). Admission policies and methods at crossroads: a review of medical school admission policies and methods in seven Asian countriesKorean Journal of Medical Education. DOI:   
  9. Ariyananda, P. L. (2020). Do medical student on-call reflective reports show their expressions of emotional intelligence? –  A Qualitative Study. South-east Asian Journal of Medical Education14(1), 31–39. DOI:
  10. Ariyananda, P. L. (2020). Patient Safety: Gaps in Training and Learning from Induced Errors. Sri Lankan Journal of Cardiology, 3 (1), 31-35. 
  11. Wilson, I., & Shankar, P. R. (2020). Where is an experienced medical educator when you need one?MedEdPublish9. DOI:
  12. Shankar, P. R. (2020). ‘The Doctor’ revisited during the coronavirus disease pandemicResearch & Humanities in Medical Education7, 89-93. Retrieved from
  13.  Chandran DS, Muthukrishnan SP, Barman SM, Peltonen LM, Ghosh S, Sharma R, Bhattacharjee M,  Rathore BB, Carroll RG, Sengupta J, Chan JYH, Ghosh D. IUPS Physiology Education Workshop series in India: organizational mechanics, outcomes, and lessons. Adv Physiol Educ. 2020 Dec 1;44(4):709-721. doi: 10.1152/advan.00128.2020. PMID: 33125254.
  14. Chandran DS, Muthukrishnan SP, Barman SM, Peltonen LM, Ghosh S, Sharma R, Bhattacharjee M, Rathore BB, Carroll R, Sengupta J, Ghosh D. Physiology without borders: report on physiology education workshops in India-IUPS Initiatives (2018-2019). Adv Physiol Educ. 2020 Sep 1;44(3):309-313. doi: 10.1152/advan.00050.2020. PMID: 32484399.
  15. Goh, L. K., Sow, C. F., & Ja’afar, S. (2020). Implementation of an Immunisation Project for the refugees using the Logic Model.  Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine20(3), 125-133.
  16. Hong, G., Chang, T. Y., Terry, A., Chuenjitwongsa, S., Park, Y. S., Tsoi, J. K., … & Hsu, M. L. (2020). Guidelines for innovation in dental education during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemicJournal of oral science, 20-0399.
  17. Mitra NK, Aung HH, Kumari M, Perera J, Sivakumar A, Singh A, Nadarajah VD. Improving the learning process in anatomy practical sessions of chiropractic program using e-learning tool. Translational Research in Anatomy, 2021, 23: 100100. ISSN 2214-854X.
  18. Shahid Hassan. Practicing Through Emergency Remote Leaning: Experience of converting traditional lecture into a lesson plan during the COVID-19 Crisis. International Journal of Science and Research; Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2020: 1756-1764.
  19. Ebenezer Chitra, Srinivasan Ramamurthy, Shar Mariam Mohamed, Vishna Devi Nadarajah, (2020), Study of the impact of objective structured laboratory examination to evaluate students’ practical competencies, Journal of Biology Education, DOI: 1080/00219266.2020.1858931
  20. Jha N, Shrestha R, Shrestha S, Bhandary S, Khadka A, Shankar PR. SciPub-019-‘Getting your article published in scientific journals’ – an event report. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2020;13:281-286
  21. Shankar PR. Locked down! Hektoen International Spring 2020
  22. Shankar PR. Medical humanities in medical colleges in India: travelators and speed breakers. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;8:112-9. DOI: 10.4103/amhs.amhs_70_20
  23. Shankar PR. Sealed in! The Litmed Magazine.
  24. Piryani RM, Piryani S, Piryani S, Shankar PR, Shakya DR. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on medical education: challenges and opportunities for medical educators in South Asia. Journal of BPKIHS 2020; 3(1): 28-38.
  25. Shankar PR. Coffee, cutlets and the culture of healing. Online Journal of Community and person-centered dermatology
  26. Shankar PR. Personal development during the pandemic: an online journey. Canadian Medical education Journal Blog
  1. Transferability of Faculty development resources. Olupeliyawa A, Venkateswaran S P, Wai N, Mendis K, Flynn E,Hu W. The Clinical Teacher,2019;16(3): 1-6. SCOPUS indexed. Cite Score: 0.4
  2. An analysis of the student’s performance and marking process in open-ended short answer questions in a medical program: a pilot study. Win TT, Yin KCP, Venkateswaran SP, Gholami SK, Wai N. Education in Medicine Journal. 2019;11(4).
  3. Evaluation of Computer-based Simulation Learning on Knowledge, Learning Approaches and Motivation among Pharmacy Students. Mai, Chun-Wai & Lee, E-Lyn & Wong, Pei-Se & Er, Hui-Meng. . Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. 2019, 53. 595-602. 10.5530/ijper.53.4.120.
  4. Influencing factors and processes of interprofessional professional education (IPE) implementation. Pei Se Wong, Yu Sui Chen & Pui San Saw.  Medical Teacher, 2019, DOI:10.1080/0142159X.2019.1672864; Available at :
  5. Gaps in communication skills of doctors. Ariyananda, P.L., 2019.  Galle Medical Journal, 24(2), pp.1–3. DOI:
  6. The art and the science of history-taking and physical examination: Its relevance in modern day medicine. Ariyananda, P.L., 2019.  Galle Medical Journal, 24(1), pp.19–24. DOI:
  7. Medical students’ orientation toward lifelong learning in an outcome-based curriculum and the lessons learnt. Ramamurthy S, Er HM, Devi Nadarajah V, Radhakrishnan AK. Med Teach. 2019 Aug 13:1-6. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1646894. [Epub ahead of print]
  8. Lessons Learnt from the Development and Implementation of an Online Assessment System for Medical Science Programmes. Er, H.M., Nadarajah, V.D., Hays, R.B. et al. Med.Sci.Educ. (2019).
  9. Twelve tips for enhancing student engagement. Peters H, Zdravkovic M, João Costa M, Celenza A, Ghias K, Klamen D, Mossop L, Rieder M, Devi Nadarajah V, Wangsaturaka D, Wohlin M, Weggemans M. Med Teach. 2019 Jun;41(6):632-637. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2018.1459530. Epub 2018 Apr 22.
  10. Building a database for curriculum mapping and analytics. Kang, Y.B and Nadarajah, V.D. MedEdPublish (March 2019).
  11. Development and Validation of a Script Concordance Test (SCT) to Evaluate Ethical Reasoning Ability Among First and Fifth Year Students in a Medical School. Pau, A., Thangarajoo, S., Samuel, V.P., Wong, L.C., Wong, P.K., Matizha, P., Nalliah, S., Nadarajah, V.D. J Acad Ethics (2019) 17: 193.
  12. Twelve tips for institutional approach to outcome-based education in health professions programmes, Medical Teacher, Hui Meng Er, Vishna Devi Nadarajah, Yu Sui Chen, Snigdha Misra, Joachim Perera, Sneha Ravindranath & Yee Yee Hla (2019)  DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1659942
  13. Student evaluation of the learning environment in an undergraduate pharmacy programme: Lessons for educators, Medical Teacher. Norul Hidayah Mamat, Vishna Devi Nadarajah, Hui Meng Er, Srinivasan Ramamurthy & Peter Chuen Keat Pook (2019), DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1654089
  14. e-PBL: An Innovation to Promote Active Learning and Decrease Cognitive Overload among Medical Students. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Heethal Jaiprakash, Anudeep Singh, Anupam Biswas, Jaiprakash Mohanraj, Sarmishtha Ghosh (2019), 10(4): 1403-07
  15. Ramachandran G, Ko KMA, Ghosh S (2019) The “failure to fail” phenomenon in the clinical long case Examination.   Quest International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. [internet], 2019 [2019/7/1]; 2(1):3-7. Available from:
  1. Perceptions of medical students towards the use of Internet in the learning process of problem-based learning. Mitra NK, Ganaeswaren K, Berundang PP.  Education in Medicine Journal. 2018;10(4):1–7.
  2. Assessment of attitudes for interprofessional team working and knowledge of health professions competencies for final year health professional students. PS Wong, SS Hasan, JL Ooi, LSH Lim and VD Nadarajah . Published online: 2 January, TAPS 2018, 3(1), 27-37
  3. Development of an Institutional Assessment Framework.  Er HM, Nadarajah VD, Radhakrishnan AK. Medical Education (Accepted January 2018. Mar 24. doi: 10.1111/medu.13568) Theme: Really Good Stuff.
  4. Do Medical Student ‘On-Call Reflective Reports’ Indicate Their Sensitization to Emotional Intelligence. Ariyananda P. L.  The Asia Pacific Scholar 2018, 3(3): 17 – 23.
  5. Personal domains assessed in multiple mini interviews (MMIs) for healthcare student selection: a narrative synthesis systematic review. Callwood A, Kotronoulas G, Schneider A, Jeevaratnam K, Lewis L, Nadarajah VD. Nurse Education Today (2018 May;64:56-64. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2018.01.016. Epub 2018 Jan 31)
  6. Pharmacy Students’ Perceptions of Reflective Portfolios, and the Effect of the Portfolio on Students’ Deep Information-Processing Skills. Hui Meng Er, Marcus Kuek Jia Ming, Pei Sin Keng, Vishna Devi Nadarajah. American Journal of Pharmacy Education (Accepted March 2018, in press)
  7. Twelve tips for enhancing student engagement. Harm Peters, Marko Zdravkovic, Manuel João Costa, Tony Celenza, Kulsoom Ghias, Debra Klamen, Liz Mossop, Michael Rieder, Vishna Devi Nadarajah, Danai Wangsaturaka, Martin Wohlin, and Margot Weggemans. Medical Teacher (2018 Apr 22:1-6. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2018.1459530.)
  1. Attitude, knowledge and ethical perception toward precision medicine among junior and senior medical students: Findings from one Malaysian medical school. Koh KC, Goonasakaren S, Ng LK, Chua YL, Lee JY, Ang ADT. IeJSME, 2017; 11(3): 10-19.
  2. Bibliometric analysis and curriculum mapping of travel medicine research. Flaherty GT, Yap KL. Journal of Travel Medicine, 2017; 24(5): tax024. DOI:
  3. A national effort to introducing paediatric bioethics in Malaysia: A report and declaration of a National Paediatric Bioethics Symposium. Khoo EJ. Asian Bioethics Review, 2017; 9(1-2): 153-155. DOI:
  4. Anatomical knowledge among medical, dental and health science professionals. Aung HH, Htet H, Goh PS, Choo SCF. Journal of Medical Science and  Clinical Research, 2017; 5(11): 30112-30118. [IMU undergraduate research Project ID: BCh I/2017 (12)].
  5. Attitudes and readiness of students of healthcare professions towards interprofessional learning. Kannan MK, Kingston R, Khoo SP, Kumar D, Alwis RD, Chui HC, Tan LL, Tan YN, Lau SY. PloS ONE, 2017; 12(1): e0168863. [IMU internal grant -BP I-01-12 (49) 2015].
  6. Clinical audit training improves undergraduates’ performance in root canal therapy. Fong JYM, Tan VJH, Lee JR, Foong AYJ, Tan JME, Parolia A, Pau A. European Journal of Dental Education, 2017; 00: 1–7.
  7. Does central vetting improve construct quality of one-best-answer items in medical school: An audit. Kwa SK, Majeed Z, Varman S. IeJSME, 2017; 11(3): 3-9.
  8. Editorial: Keyword based learning in medical education. Patil PG. International Journal of Prosthodontics & Restorative Dentistry, 2017; 7(1): V.
  9. Effects of Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation (SBAR) usage on communication skills among nurses in a private hospital in Kuala Lumpur. Ho SE, Teh AGK, Thanaletchumi A/P Mani. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University, 2017; 6(2): 74-78. ISSN 2231-4261.
  10. Emotional exhaustion is associated with work related stressors: A cross-sectional multicenter study in Malaysian public hospitals. Khoo EJ, Aldubai S, Ganasegeran K, Lee XE, Atikah NZ, Tan KK. Archivos argentina de pediatria, 2017; 115: 212-219. [IMU Internal Grant: CSc/Sem6(36)2014].
  11. Ethics rounds: Ethical concerns when minors act as standardised patients. Khoo EJ, Schremmer RD, Diekema DS, Lantos JD. Pediatrics, 2017; 139: e20162795.
  12. Evaluation of workshop for training houseofficers and medical officers on medical emergencies using simulation for workplace preparedness. Subramaniam T, Tan AJ. IeJSME, 2017; 11(1): 33-38.
  13. Evaluation on Students Perception on Live Online Virtual e-Problem Based Learning (LOVE-PBL) by using Google Hangouts. Hazwanie Hashim, David Chong, Hui Meng Er, Pran Kishore Deb, Pei Se Wong, Mun Sun Lee, Mari Kannan Maharajan, Hasnain Zafar Baloch, E Lyn Lee. Education in Medicine Journal 2017, DOI 10.5959/eimj.v9i4.545
  14. Factors associated with faculty participation in research activities in dental schools. Pau A, Omar H, Khan S, Jassim A, Seow LL, Toh CG. Singapore Dental Journal, 2017; 38: 45-54. doi: 10.1016/j.sdj.2017.08.001.
  15. Feasibility of implementing chronic care model in the Malaysian public primary care setting. Ariffin F, Ramli AS, Daud MH, Haniff J, Abdul-Razak S, Selvarajah S, Lee VK, Tong SF, Bujang MA. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 2017; 72(2): 106-112.
  16. Implementing professionalism by deprofessionalized strategies: A moral quandary. Ahmadi K, Hasan SS. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 2017; 9(1): 9-11. doi: 10.1016/j.cptl.2016.08.032.
  17. Narrative Medicine: An unexplored perspective in the medical curriculum to enhance patient-centredness and empathy in medical students. Thuraisingham C, Nalliah S. IeJSME, 2017; 11(2): 4-13. 
  18. Patients’ perceptions of dental students’ empathic, person-centered care in a dental school clinic in Malaysia. Babar MG, Hasan SS, Yong WM, Mitha S, Al Waeli HA. Journal of Dental Education, 2017; 81(4): 404-412.
  19. Performance of medical students in final professional examination: Can in course continuous assessments (ICA) predict students at risk? Gupta ED, Motilal T, Nagandla K, Gangadaran S, Teng CL. The National Medical Journal of India, 2017; accepted for publication. Manuscript No. 5213/332/2016.
  20. Pharmacy students’ anxiety towards research during their undergraduate degree; How to reduce it? Maharajan MK, Rajiah K, Tam AM, Chaw SL, Ang MJ, Yong MW. PLoS ONE, 2017; 12(4): e0176095. [IMU internal grant -BP I-01-12 (30) 2016].
  21. Predictors and factors associated with academic career decision-making among pharmacy students. Maharajan MK, Rajiah K, Shanmugavelu S. Pharmacy Education, 2017; 17(1): 87-94. [IMU internal grant -BP I-01-11 (29) 2014].
  22. Serving an indigenous community: Exploring the cultural competence of medical students in a rural setting. Wong CH, Chen LP, Koh KC, Chua SH, Jong DCH, Fauzi NMM, Lim SY. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 2017; 10: 97-120. DOI:
  23. Simulation-based instruction for pharmacy practice skill development: A review of the l iterature. Hasan SS, Kumar S, Chong DWK, Ahmed SI. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 2017; 8 (2): 43-50; DOI: 10.4103/app.app_68_16.
  24. Social and communicative functions of informed consent forms in East Asia and beyond. Yoshizawa G, Sasongko TH, Ho C-H, Kato K. Frontiers in Genetics, 2017; In-press.
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