Centre for Transformative Nutrition and Health

April 4, 2022 Centre for Transformative Nutrition and Health


The Centre for Transformative Nutrition and Health (CTNH) aims to contribute and build knowledge in the field of nutrition and health and train future nutritionists & dietitians. We research nutrition-health relationships at various levels, to understand the complex ways in which diet and nutrition influence our health. The goal of CTNH is to enhance and contribute to the food and clinical nutrition fields in the Asian region and to be recognised as thought leaders.

At CTNH, we aim to

  1. Improve human health and well-being through driving innovations in personalised nutrition.
  2. Contribute to solving diet and lifestyle-related diseases for the nation.
  3. Conduct innovative research and build reputation in food & clinical nutrition-related areas.
  4. Provide expertise and consultancy services in food and clinical nutrition matters to industry and relevant parties.
  5. Provide knowledge and facilitate skills building to professionals and the public on food and clinical nutrition matters.
  6. Influence national policy on improving food and clinical nutrition matters for the population.

Services Offered

  • Measure Glycaemic Index
  • Evaluation of Glycaemic Response and Variability
  • Clinical Trials
  • Micronutrient and Functional Food Studies
  • Internship Opportunities

For more info, download our brochure.

Visit our website for more info on CTNH


Expertise / Team

Head of CTNH

Prof Dr Winnie Chee Siew Swee
Pro Vice Chancellor Academic; Professor,
School of Health Sciences

Head of GI Lab

Dr Lee Ching Li
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics,
School of Health Sciences