service-pharmaceutical & herbal

Pharmaceutical & Herbal Products Testing

Heavy metals are elements that are naturally found in the environment from natural sources and human activities. They are used in modern-day applications such as agriculture, medicine and industry. Heavy metals are natural metallic elements that have a relatively high density and are toxic or poisonous at low concentration levels with the potential to be harmful to people. The most common heavy metals are lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury.

Heavy metals may induce a variety of pathologies damaging our health. Heavy metals toxicity to humans is a result of long term or high-level exposure to pollutants common in the environment including water and numerous consumer products such as cosmetics, personal care products and toiletries.

Heavy metals may exist in raw materials used in the processing of products such cosmetics and healthcare products and exposure to them may occur through inhalation or skin contact. Therefore, regular heavy metal testing and analysis is important. In Malaysia, the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) as the drug control authority is responsible for ensuring that pharmaceutical substances, traditional medicines, and cosmetic products are safe to be used by consumers.

Chemical Testing Services Offered

  • Heavy Metal Analysis in Cosmetic Products by ICPMS
  • Heavy Metal Analysis in Herbal Products by ICPMS

Microbiology Testing Serices Offered

  • Total Aerobic Microbial Count
  • Total Fungal and Mould Count