IMU Joint Committee on Research and Ethics (IMU-JC)


IMU-JC serves as the Institutional Review Board, accredited by the Malaysian National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA), Ministry of Health Malaysia since 2002, to evaluate biomedical research and clinical trials conducted not only by researchers from IMU but also external parties.

IMU Joint Committee on Research and Ethics (IMU-JC) is an accredited body established to ensure the ethical and responsible conduct of research involving humans and animals. The IMU-JC plays a crucial role in reviewing and safeguarding ethical practices in research by evaluating the risks and benefits, ensuring the rights and welfare of humans and animals, and monitoring compliance with Malaysian Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice and International Guiding Principles for Animal Research as well as local and international regulatory standards.

Functions and Authority


Administrative entity responsible for overseeing the integrity of research processes of the university.


Evaluates all proposals rigorously to ensure that they are scientifically sound and compliant with the International Conference of Harmonisation / Good Clinical Practice Guidelines (ICH-GCP), Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and International Guiding Principles for Animal Research.


Obtain accreditation from the National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau (NPCB), Ministry of Health Malaysia to serve as one of the national Institutional Review Boards (IRB) for clinical trials.


To evaluate proposals on all types of research, including biomedical and clinical research.


To approve, disapprove or modify the proposed studies.


To endorse progress reports from the investigators.


To suspend or terminate approved studies.


To place restrictions on a study.

Pricing for Ethics Review Services by IMU-JC


1st submission: RM3,200

  • Ethical review
  • Approval of research proposal


Amendment (Major): RM1,000

  • Resubmit for approval
  • Approval


Amendment (minor): RM500

  • Resubmit for approval
  • Approval