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E-Learning Session 12: How to Design an Active Learning Session in Moodle

Date: 01 November 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Training Venue: Seminar Room 8 (4.07), Level 4, Bukit Jalil Campus
Training Platform: Microsoft Teams



  1. Ms Norhasliza Hashim
  2. Ms Aida Lina Alias



  • E-learning (EL)



  • Role 1: Information Provider and Guide
  • Role 3: Facilitator & Mentor


Workshop Overview:-

Active learning is a process that has student learning at its centre. It involves students’ active participation in their online learning using teaching strategies that may engage and increase knowledge retention, a deeper learning experience and improved learner outcomes. This course will be focusing on the activities available on the Moodle platform.

This is an intermediate level course. Participants must have prior knowledge in the different activities available in the Moodle platform, experienced in creating the activities and have obtained the eLearning Basic Licence.


You are required to go through the short course to gain the knowledge and concept of Active Learning as the facilitator will be focusing more on the hands-on-session. The link to the short course will be shared with the registered participants closer to the workshop date.

During Workshop:-

Facilitators will summarise the keypoints from the course and answer your questions. There will be hands-on session to create your own active learning course.


You are required to create an active learning session in the workspace provided.
You will receive a badge upon completing the activity.

Workshop Learning Outcomes:-

After this workshop, the participants will be able to:

  1. Plan an active online learning session based on the learning outcomes to engage learners in the Moodle platform.
  2. Apply the methodology of creating an active online learning session/course.
  3. Create active learning activities by utilizing Moodle activities and resources to engage online learners.
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