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Flipped Classroom [23/2]

Date: 27 October 2023 (Friday)
Time: 09:00 am to 12:30 pm
Training Mode: Face-to-Face
Training Venue: ICE Training Centre (2.09), Level 2, Bukit Jalil Campus



  1. Prof Nilesh Kumar Mitra
  2. AP Dr Wong Pei Se
  3. Dr Ebenezer Chitra
  4. Dr Heethal Jaiprakash



  • Teaching & Learning Strategies (TLS)



  • Role 1: Information provider and guide
  • Role 3: Facilitator & mentor


Workshop Overview:

The workshop will help the faculty to: 

  • understand the components of a Flipped Class and design the flow of events to successfully implement it in their program.
  • create online preparation material for Flipped Class, add formative assessment and engage students online.
  • organize group activity in the Flipped class and implement student-student and teacher-student interaction.


Workshop Learning Outcomes:

After this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. explain the pedagogic basis of Flipped Class.
  2. prepare online preparatory material effectively.
  3. plan the group-work and create a collaborative atmosphere during the class.
  4. assess the effectiveness of the flipped class.
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