Getting ready and going through the university application process can be very intimidating. You are not alone. Every student applying for university has gone through the same situation as you at one point or another. A great way to begin is to look at a timeline that lists activities to complete as you navigate this process. If you still have questions after looking at the timeline, don’t worry! You can refer to other pages of this site for more information.

Accepting Your Offer

Once you have received an offer, find out what happens next.

Offer Received

Congratulations! You have received our official confirmation via email.

You should carefully read your offer letter and all its attachments once you receive it. If you have any concerns or questions, you can contact our Admissions team for clarification.

Your offer of a place in the programme applied for will lapse automatically, when you missed the deadline stated in your offer. If you wish to re-activate your offer, kindly email to Admissions Office at for further details.

Admissions into the University is competitive; therefore, seats are limited and subject to availability although you are re-applying to activate your offer. So, do ensure that you adhere to the deadline in your offer to ensure that your seat is secured.


Accept Offer

You will be required to make payment as per the attached fee structure by the given deadline.

Fill in and return to the Admissions Office the following forms:

  • Acceptance Form
  • Policy on Payment of Fees
  • Registration Package
  • Proof of payment /Cheque for payment
  • Proof of vaccination and health tests (as required)

You should make the necessary arrangements to start your studies at IMU and organise:

  • Accommodation
  • Financial Support
  • Visa (for International Students)‎‎


Request for Deferral / Switching Programmes or Options

You can send an email to notify our Admissions Office, making sure you include:

  • your student ID;
  • your name;
  • your programme name.

If you re-considering to change programme or intake options, you will need to submit a re-application via the Online Application Account. Before you proceed, you are advised to call or email us first.

Any deferral, switching programme/option is subject of availability of the placement.

Your seat will be automatically withdrawn when you do not respond by the deadline stated in your offer.


Decline Offer / Withdraw

You can send an email to notify our Admissions Office, making sure you include:

  • your student ID;
  • your name;
  • your programme name.

Your seat will be automatically withdrawn when you do not respond by the deadline stated in your offer.

Your Journey from an Offer Holder to an IMU Student

Admissions into IMU is competitive, therefore no applicant is guaranteed a seat.

An offer letter will be issued to you via email, once your application has been approved. The email will also contain the Registration Package, Fee Payment Policy and other related documents pertaining to the acceptance of your offer.

You would need to ensure that the particulars in your offer letter are stated correctly such as the programme and intake offered, the intake date as well as the type of offer granted.

As the number of places are subject to availability, it is best to secure your seat by accepting the offer by the deadline stated in your offer.

To confirm your offer, you need to:

  • Read and understand the contents, terms and conditions of the Offer Letter, Registration Package and Fee Payment Policy carefully.
  • Download and compile the documents attached in your offer for submission to the Admissions Office.
  • Make payment for Semester 1 fees or minimum payment (as stated in your invoice) by the deadline stated in your offer.

As part of accepting the offer to study the programme of your choice at IMU, you will be required to make payment as per the fee structure attached with our offer letter.

Your offer of a place will be secured with the payment of Semester 1 fees.

If your offer has lapsed after the payment deadline, the seat will be automatically withdrawn and will be subject to availability if you wish to re-activate your offer.

Click on this payment information link to find out more on our payment methods. If you make an online payment, a receipt will be sent via email to you.

You are required to submit the documents below when confirming your offer:

  • Acceptance of Offer *
  • Registration Package (Download)
  • Fee Payment Policy (Download)
  • Mentor-Mentee Confidentiality Form (Download)
  • Actual Academic Transcripts
  • Certificate or Letter of Completion
  • English Proficiency Result Transcript *
  • Blood Screening Report *
  • Immunisation Card or Letter for Hepatitis B Vaccination
  • Parental Consent Form for Student Counselling (for 18 years and below) (Download)
  • Other related documents

Submission of documents can be done via:

  • Online submission – you are required to compile the hardcopy documents and submit on Enrolment Day
  • Hard copy submission – Please click here to book an appointment
  • By post or courier to Admissions Office, IMU Bukit Jalil campus
  • Dropbox – Located in front of the Admissions Office (entrance into IMU)

You will need to contact our team at the University’s Student Visa Office who will manage your application for student pass and will be able to advise you on the latest immigration requirements.

All international students who would be undertaking full-time studies in Malaysia are required to have a Student Pass (Visa).

Besides having the necessary visa, to ensure that your experience coming to Malaysia for studies runs smoothly, it is important to check all immigration requirements regularly and before travelling as immigration requirements may change from time to time.

You are advised to be prepared ahead of time so that you will enjoy a smooth orientation and are ready to embark in your studies.

The start of your IMU Journey and orientation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please email to to notify us of the error.

Please email to to notify us.

Please email to to request for an invoice.

If your offer has lapsed after the deadline, your seat will be offered to other eligible applicants. You may request to reactivate your offer through email, however seats will be subject to availability.​

Please contact us at +603-2727 7566 or email to if you need further clarification on your offer status.

Request for an extension of payment period will be subject to approval from the Admissions Office. Please email to on your request.