Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
School of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
School of Dentistry
School of Health Sciences
School of Medicine
School of Pharmacy
Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
School of Business and Technology
School of Psychology and Social Sciences
Open & Distance Learning
Executive Education
Short Courses
Campus Life
IMU Healthcare is an integrated healthcare facility in Malaysia offering a comprehensive range of services, from basic healthcare to advanced specialties and sub-specialties.
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About IMU
Research & Commercialisation
The Institute for Research, Development and Innovation (IRDI) was established in 2012, we are a hub of Innovation and Research Excellence in Asia.
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Explore the latest news, announcements, and stories from IMU, covering everything from academic achievements and research breakthroughs to campus events and student life.
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Schools & Centres
International Students
Campus Life
IMU Healthcare is an integrated healthcare facility in Malaysia offering a comprehensive range of services, from basic healthcare to advanced specialties and sub-specialties.
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About IMU
Research & Commercialisation
The Institute for Research, Development and Innovation (IRDI) was established in 2012, we are a hub of Innovation and Research Excellence in Asia.
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Explore the latest news, announcements, and stories from IMU, covering everything from academic achievements and research breakthroughs to campus events and student life.
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Privacy Statement
IMU Education Sdn Bhd and IMU University (collectively be referred to herein as “IMU”) are committed to protecting your personal data in accordance with the applicable laws, rules and regulations currently in force.
This Privacy Statement describes how IMU processes your personal data obtained through our website at www.imu.edu.my. External sites that are linked to or from our website are generally not under our control or responsibility and you are advised to review their privacy statement.
Collection of Personal Data
We may ask for personal data, such as, your name, email address and phone number when you submit an enquiry or application via the website. By providing the requested information, you hereby consent to us processing your personal data.
Our web server makes a record of your internet protocol (IP) address and date and time you access our website.
While you are not obligated to provide us with the personal data, your choice not to provide the personal data may result in us being unable to provide you with the services which you requested for and/or use the functions provided by this website.
Use and Disclosure of Personal Data
We use your personal data to respond to your enquiries, analyse the information and provide you with information that we consider may be of interest to you.
Authorised personnel within IMU will be able to access your personal data. We may also disclose your personal data to –
If you receive a marketing email from IMU, you will have an option to opt-out from all marketing emails sent by IMU.
If we are merged or acquired by another entity, the personal data may be transferred to such entity as a part of the merger or acquisition.
Personal Data of Third Parties
If you provide us with personal data of third parties, please do ensure that you have obtained their consent and bring this Privacy Statement to their attention.
Data Security
We take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorised access, misuse, loss, alteration or destruction.
Data Access
If you would like to make any inquiries or complaints or request access or correction of the personal data, please contact our :-
DATA PROTECTION OFFICER (privacy@imu.edu.my)
Any request of access or correction of personal data may be subject to a fee and also to any privacy or data protection laws. You are required to complete our Personal Data Access Request Form in order to request access or correction of personal data.
However, we reserve the right to decline to process requests which jeopardize the security and privacy of the personal data of others as well as requests which are impractical or not made in good faith.
Where you elect to limit our right to process the personal data, you may contact us in writing. For avoidance of doubt, the limitation does not include processing of mandatory personal data.
How to Contact Us
If you have any question, comment, request or concern related to this Privacy Statement, or if you would like to opt out of future communications, please email to privacy@imu.edu.my.
Revisions to this Privacy Statement
IMU reserves the right to change this Privacy Statement from time to time. Please check the Privacy Statement before you submit additional personal data via the website.
Penyata Privasi
IMU Education Sdn Bhd dan IMU University (secara kolektif dirujuk di sini sebagai “IMU”) berhasrat untuk melindungi data peribadi anda selaras dengan undang-undang, kaedah-kaedah dan peraturan-peraturan yang berkuatkuasa.
Penyata Privasi ini menerangkan bagaimana IMU memproses data peribadi anda yang didapati dari laman web www.imu.edu.my. Laman web luaran yang dihubungkan kepada atau daripada laman web kami adalah secara amnya tidak di bawah kawalan atau tanggungjawab kami, dan anda dinasihatkan untuk mengkaji penyata privasi mereka.
Pengumpulan Data Peribadi
Kami mungkin minta data peribadi daripada anda, seperti, nama, e-mel dan nombor telefon anda apabila anda menyerahkan suatu pertanyaan atau permohonan melalui laman web. Dengan memberikan maklumat yang diminta, anda dengan ini bersetuju dengan pemprosesan data peribadi anda oleh kami.
Pelayan web kami akan membuat rekod alamat internet protokol dan tarikh dan masa anda mengakses laman web kami.
Walaupun anda tidak diwajibkan untuk menyediakan kami dengan data peribadi, pilihan anda untuk tidak memberikan data peribadi mungkin menyebabkan kami tidak dapat menyediakan anda dengan perkhidmatan yang diminta oleh anda untuk dan / atau menggunakan fungsi yang disediakan oleh laman web ini.
Penggunaan dan Pendedahan Data Peribadi
Kami menggunakan data peribadi anda untuk membalas pertanyaan, menganalisis maklumat dan membekalkan anda dengan maklumat yang kami anggap mungkin menarik minat anda.
Kakitangan yang dibenarkan dalam IMU akan dapat mengakses data peribadi anda. Kami juga boleh mendedahkan data peribadi anda kepada –
Jika anda menerima e-mel pemasaran daripada IMU, anda akan mempunyai pilihan untuk memilih keluar daripada kesemua e-mel pemasaran yang dihantar oleh IMU.
Jika kami bergabung atau diperolehi oleh entiti lain, maklumat peribadi mungkin dipindahkan kepada entiti tersebut sebagai sebahagian daripada penggabungan atau pengambilalihan.
Data Peribadi Pihak-pihak Ketiga
Jika anda memberikan kami data peribadi pihak ketiga, sila pastikan bahawa anda telah mendapatkan persetujuan mereka dan membawa Penyata Privasi ini kepada perhatian mereka.
Keselamatan Data
Kami mengambil langkah-langkah keselamatan yang sewajarnya untuk melindungi data peribadi anda daripada akses yang tidak dibenarkan, penyalahgunaan, kehilangan, pengubahan atau pemusnahan.
Akses Data
Jika anda ingin membuat sebarang pertanyaan atau aduan atau akses permintaan atau pembetulan data peribadi, sila hubungi kami : –
DATA PROTECTION OFFICER (privacy@imu.edu.my)
Apa-apa permintaan akses atau pembetulan data peribadi mungkin dikenakan bayaran dan juga tertakluk kepada mana-mana undang-undang privasi atau perlindungan data. Anda dikehendaki melengkapkan Borang Akses Data Peribadi kami untuk meminta akses atau pembetulan data peribadi.
Walau bagaimanapun, kami berhak untuk menolak permintaan proses yang menjejaskan keselamatan dan privasi data peribadi orang lain dan juga permintaan yang tidak praktikal atau tidak dibuat dengan suci hati.
Di mana anda memilih untuk menghadkan hak kami untuk memproses data peribadi, anda boleh menghubungi kami secara bertulis. Untuk mengelakkan keraguan, pilihan tersebut tidak termasuk pemprosesan data peribadi mandatori.
Bagaimana untuk Menghubungi Kami
Jika anda mempunyai apa-apa soalan, komen, permintaan atau kebimbangan berkaitan dengan Penyata Privasi ini, atau jika anda ingin untuk memilih keluar daripada komunikasi masa depan, sila e-mel kepada privacy@imu.edu.my.
Semakan Penyata Privasi
IMU berhak untuk mengubah Dasar Privasi ini dari semasa ke semasa. Sila semak Dasar Privasi sebelum anda mengemukakan data peribadi tambahan melalui laman web.